Mike Vapes

ipv d3 Review – Mike Vapes

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  1. I need to no asap pleezzzzz for battery's life what mod would you go with the istick 100 watt classic or the ipv V3 I already have the new 100 watt istick please hit me back Mike dude I just need to know dude

  2. I am not opening it until Christmas so please let me know how about the old istick cuz I'm not opening the new one so I don't know about battery life

  3. dude I needed your help more than ever dude really I did while I just needed your advice man you know it was between the ipv D3 28 box for the istick 4:26 the old one old old old not new 1 buddy got it already the new one Ankeny open till Christmas I want the old one open now and I know for a fact that the old ones got to have better battery life than the ipv d3 but I already ordered the D3 and when I get paid I'm going to get the istick old zephyrus subtank zephyrus RTA Cthulhu Chris tank what the velocity deck or the mute tank but I ain't interested and have enough juice train out of that ballais is it bater than Gothic let me know because I got the gothic want to know if the ballais is better

  4. great review…I especially enjoyed the vaping advocacy shout out you gave at the end. All vapers must visit casaa.org and become members, so we all have chance to view the latest news, calls-to action and voice our concerns about all the vaping restrictions. As vapers, it is vital for us all to fight for our rights to vape

  5. Good Day Mike Vapes, What would you say are the top 3-5 mods(50-75watts), at this time, on the market? Hope you see this question. I want to make a good decision.

  6. Good video. I have the same one but in silver.. I have a Aspire triton 2 tank on it and I don't blow off nearly as much vape as you are.

    What tank would you recommend that would work best? Can you do drip tip with the IPV D3?

    Overall, I have has this for over a year and has been great. No problems whatsoever.

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