Mike Vapes

Vandy Vape Revolver Single Coil RTA – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. Mike it looked like the one Tony B reviewed had a build deck that was revised and fixed that issue thanks for the review and if your looking at this one in a store maybe something to look out for!!

  2. I dont see the issue at all. At the very most its a minimal nitpick. Mike, you simply loosened the ceramic base too much. Loosen it only just enough to slip those coil end leads underneath and you wont have this issue man. I love mine and haven't had any problems building on it. Great review though. Thanks for all you do.

  3. Awesome review as always. I've always wondered what exactly the purpose of reducing the tanks to 2ml is. I understand it is for compliance for some countries but why lol.

  4. Just got the Revolver RTA. I love it. I am wondering if there is a good way to keep the wick wet? The cotton seems to dry up when vaping on it and I make it very wet with e-liquid and then I fill the tank. After about an hour of vaping on it the wick drys up and I get the dreaded burnt taste. I am wondering what to do about this issue?
    I hate having to take it apart all the time to rewet the wick. It is a pain in the butt.
    Thank You for all the videos you make.

  5. I am assuming that they took turns advice and made the ends a little higher. Mine was, but I can't get the flavor right with mine. Not sure what I am doing wrong but it constantly tastes like burnt cotton and the flavor isn't there. Love the concept tho.

  6. Mike man I always turn to u for any reviews.I like that you are not doing shtick u can tell ur u. Also like how u take the time to explain the little things idk man ur good at what u do. I know every person who vapes has a channel now but i hope u have been taking care of through all this. Its not easy to make vids and edit it takes time. I and we appreciate u thank u.

  7. I gotta be honest here, I'm very disappointed in this RTA. I have it wicked exactly like here. Cotton isn't to thick and it doesn't hang out the bottom. Using an alien coil and cotton bacon prime. Ohms out at .32 vaping at 55-60 watts. It's wicking just fine….not one dry hit. It's just the flavor. I don't find much flavor from this. I've had probably two tanks on all three air flow settings. Flavor just seems muted to me.

  8. Any tips from anyone on the cotton wicking for this one? I can't ever seem to get my cotton to wick correctly. I usually use the pancake method with cotton bacon prime

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