Dash Vapes

Our last video… (this is clickbait.)

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  1. I know this is completely unrelated but I have started vaping to quit smoking and am looking to move to a mod soon, I can’t find any answers but why do mods with external batteries have a USB port, and what would be better external or internal?

  2. i've learned alot and fixed many of the vaping problems with your tutorials and explanations, thanks for your videos, your kindness and your efforts,cheers.

  3. Id love to see a video about flavourings in eliquid and their possible health effects. There seems to be an anti vaping craze to call the boogie man on flaourings as they seem to "cause cancer". Would be cool if you could pop that myth with a video. Happy 12019!

  4. Just bought a few items from your online store and it was in our mailbox the next day you guys are really amazing thanks for everything you guys literally introduced me to vaping for the first time and now I’ve been off smoking for six months you’re a blessing

  5. I'll be honest @DashVapes I think a good idea is to basically continue the way you are going, I love the info and tech based videos, I love the 5 types of vapors videos too. I think a nice idea is every other month, release a funny video, kinda like the 5 types of vapors, and every 6 months, release another 5 more types of vapors. I know that it's kinda hard to think of ideas for types of vapors, but the funny skits like taht are hilarious and keeps me coming back. But in conclusion, I wouldn't completely flood the channel with funny videos, keep it real, keep it info based. That's what seems to help us most. And the funny videos keep us coming back, just don't overdue them

    Love you guys! I'm in the US and I hope one day to visit one of your events and meet your guys in person!

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