Mike Vapes

Almost Perfect – INNOKIN DV Pod Vape – Mike Vapes

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  1. I never tried the EQ but I do love Innokin products & since I'm liking everything im seeing about this device, I'm gonna have to get one And hhopefully there's no plastic taste with mine! LOL…. so far nothing has been able to beat my Renova Zero pod system but I'm thinkin this may just be the one. I'd much like to see the Joyetech Magic device review it seems very interesting.
    Great review Mike!

  2. Hey Mike,

    Thanks so much for another honest and thorough review. A shame to hear you're experiencing a plastic-like taste with the DV pods. I will certainly let the team know and see what can be done about it. The mesh type used in these coils is a first for us in a pod system, so it may take a few runs of coils to really dial down that perfect flavor.

    Hope you've been well and thanks once again! Cheers Mike.

  3. I found out you have to break in the pods, vape them for a few hours and then that taste goes away, I’ve had it got 3 days and on the first I had the same taste, but after a day of vaping it it went away, I’m not sure what it was but you do have to break in the pod.

  4. Darth Vader. I accidentally received this in my mail today from a company I get my stuff from. They are going to send me what I actually ordered and told me just to keep this little device

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