Mike Vapes

Tenacious Unicorn 21700 Mech Mod

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  1. I don't feel nicotine is addictive, for me anyway. I can forget about my vape all day sometimes, but when I was a smoker I couldn't do that…must be something else in the cigs

  2. Hope you're doing okay. It's a bit out of the ordinary when I don't see you post new stuff every day or other day. But, these times are not ordinary, indeed. You're probably deep in advocacy, finalizing your plans for the rally, among other things. I watched the Nassau County hearing in live time yesterday… Huge victory that they tabled the vote until next month, despite A. Drucker's whining, lol

  3. Aloha mike I’m a freak when it comes to vaping how do I start making my own videos any tips lmk . ppalenapa@gmail.com do I just start doing reviews that what I buy. Would appreciate it or if there some items you do t want to review send me it and I’ll do it. Mahalo aka Nappyvapes

  4. I’d jump all over this if they’d make a black Ceracoated Copper version. I much prefer copper to brass for it’s increased conductivity. Silver contacts on a copper mod would hit much harder than silver contacts on a brass mod.

  5. For some reason mine hits WAY harder when I throw my Asgard mini on it. Seems like it’s making a better connection with it. I can’t even explain how hard it hits with my Asgard mini it’s insane. I have nothing that even comes close to how hard it hits.

  6. @mike Vapes…are you gonna review the axial RDA.(unicorn and mass mod)….why don't you mark and a few other bigger reviewers don't get stuff (mainstream stuff) anymore like others are

  7. Got a blem version for 29.99$ its lime green but for the price shiett. Should be here in a few days. They still havent made a black colored one . Only the three same girly colors? Hmmm is all good tho. I need to get an ardent rda

  8. Hey Mike you know any way I can get my hands on this now I can’t seem to find unicorn vapes anywhere and I lost my tenacious just trying to replace it

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