Mike Vapes

Think Vape Box 133 DNA133 – Mike Vapes

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  1. I have had the 133 for a few months its definitely a solid box, I use it all the time. my boxer 133 is my favorite but for 150$ cheaper the box133 is a great deal. thanks for the review mike

  2. Hey mike I'm looking to try Royal E liquids, is there anywhere I can buy it that's from an American website or if not where do you get it from, thank you

  3. One side's a billboard ad, the other side has a jank battery cover, the box is overly large, and comes with no presets besides nickel. Not good enough on the current market, imo.

  4. As always thanks for review. For me the Panzer ist benchmark, so I can not understand, that the 510 connector is placed so near at the edge, that a 24mm diameter tank overhang, even though the mod is thick enough. But all in all a great device.

  5. I've had this device since its release about 6 mths ago. So for this Mod has performed excellently & had zero issues. As for the build, I'd take aluminium alloy over zinc any day of the week! great little box mod ???

  6. I would like too see escribe to do upgrade software on your smartphone instead of the computer because if you don't have a computer and you have a smartphone allot of people like me would be dna200 box mod

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