Mike Vapes

Aromamizer OCC Coils And RDTA And Accessories

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  1. I have one of these on the way I hope they switch the OCC coils to clapton's like a lot of other manufacturers are. Just so I can keep a few around if I ever need them.

  2. I brought this damn tank and built it so many times and never got that "crazy insane flavor" that everybody on YouTube is talking about -____- I feel like chucking it out my window

  3. IMO the occ coil sucks ass!! no flavor what so ever. from the looks of it the coils are sitting to low and air flow is just hitting the tops of the coils. But, in rba mode this thing is beast!

  4. Well Mike, double Dah ! just now noticed u put this tutorial out in Oct. 2015, so think I missed the boat huh ! hahaha. Well I have a Lemo 2, my only build, an while I love it. I so would love an Aromimizer.. I live on ss, so not much for a budget, an at least a chance to win, was better than none. Loved the way u present yourself. Thanks Mike…….

  5. this tank is absolutely amazing…. i use it everyday… usually only at home because a lot of people are sensitive about how much of a flavorful plume it releases.

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