Mike Vapes

Damselfly Poison RDA #DropInspired – Build & Wick

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  1. It's like a drop made as simple and cheap as it can get. They are still directing the air between the post under the coils with the step down from top of air flow holes. But maybe it makes a cheaper alternative if you don't want a exact clone.

  2. When it comes to decks and such that are inspired by others I wish people were more like Mr Justright1 and are flattered instead of cracking the shits !

  3. Seems like they've put this out just for the sake of it.
    Nothing new
    Nothing innovative
    Not even well thought out.
    It's more like something Smok would put out

  4. Ppl need to stop complaining about copying . pretty much every rda has something that's similar to another. It's turning into sooo much un needed drama that's ruining relationships and the feel of videos. I literally watch every video of all reviewers now for like 4 years and look forward to that. Now,, not so much , I can't stand hearing about reviewers getting madd because something has similarities of another … Stupid mann

  5. I couldn't agree with u more on the pros n cons. I'm glad u said it…it was bugging me of what it was reminding me of n it's tiger tech. The af slots/design is what really makes me think it's them…think of the momentum. I think thats wut it's called…u know twisted's rda w/tiger tech. Anyways, good review Mike!

  6. Copycat garbage. Who wants to vape something with poison written on the side of it. They should have just stamped a poison symbol on it. Lol. What kind of stupid company puts out a product like this. Hats off to Mike from reviewing it though to keep us informed and entertained as I wouldn't have.

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