Mike Vapes

Golisi s6 Six Bay Smart Charger – Holds Six 21700’s Easily – Mike Vapes

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  1. I have 2 S4 golisi chargers and they will charge at .5. However ill probably still get the s6. $50 is a fine price, maybe a bit high. I have all the efest chargers and id rather spend the extra money on the golisi instead of spending $30 6x a year on efest chargers.

  2. Nice, thanks for the review!! I love my Efest Blu6, it's an amazing charger! This Golisi charger is too expensive for what it does. I'll buy another Efest Blu6 instead of this one, though, as I prefer to use 0.5 amp charging.

  3. Great review Mike. Too expensive for me, the S4 is $25 & i dont charge more then 4 at a time..yea those numbers dont add up!! I need .5amp also Mike.. I gota c if the S4 does.. Ty Mike

  4. YouTube…wake the hell up…it's a flippin battery charger, shouldn't be any qualms about posting links to buy a flippin battery charger. Nice review Mike, might consider it on my next charger purchase. And by the way YouTube…vaping is not smoking, nor is there any tobacco products in e-liquid…and vaping saves lives 🙂

  5. Really nice charger! Love the display & all the info it gives! I dont own any chargers tho, I do all mine thru micro usb in the mods, always have & Never had any problems.. I mean u have to charge built-in battery mods that way so there ya go ?⚡⚡⚡✌ great review Mike always enjoy ur vids the most!

  6. Nice review Mike! I ordered the s4 version and whilst waiting for it to be delivered I saw you're review. I was a little disappointed that it didn't charge at 0.5 but to my surprise the 4 bay does charge my 18650 at 0.5… Happy days ?

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