Mike Vapes

Augvape Alexa S.24 Single Coil RDA!

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  1. I think the airflow would have been better the other way around. Low on the deck and higher on the outside. I love short squonking rdas but not one that will leak that easy

  2. The OG Alexa is 22mm…the difference between both is that the 22mm have insulating/airflow rings and 510 drip tip…this on didn't have that insulating/airflow ring but have 810 drip tip…the deck is the same…a Baby Alien coils is perfect for this rda…

  3. Looks really old school. I'm guessing it probably doesn't vape much different from a Wasp Nano lol.

    I see you have second imaginary friend lol. Tell "Larry" and "Steve", I said hi. I'll let Rudy and Fred know about this RDA even though they don't really exist either ?.

  4. Because the airflow being low set on the top cap it could of had honeycomb on the other side like ur rebirth. Or to keep it lookin good they could of included a honeycomb insert beautyring thing kinda like the first Alexa.

  5. Great review Mike. I really hope my shop gets this one!!! I’m more into single coil or mesh these days. Can’t hardly vape duals. It’s just too much for me now!! 🙁

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