Mike Vapes

VandyVape ReQuiem BF Squonk Kit By El Mono Vapeador

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  1. Tremandamente divertida la forma en la que dices el mono vapidor, en Costa Rica estamos ansiosos de ver llegar y tener en manos tremendo mod bf por parte de un revisor muy querido en latinoamerica, pienso en que el requiem mod junto con el recurve rda deberia ser un combo tremendamente asombroso haha, saludos gracias por sus reviews

  2. Squonking is basically dead! Try finding a squonk mod in any online store. Every last one of them in every store is not in stock.
    Im so screwed because my topside lite finally broke after a good fall and i cannot find any squonker to replace it anywhere

  3. But why make it a mech mod Idk maybe I should use my mechnods more seems redundant less and less people use squonk mods or RDAs let alone a mech mod but it's great there is new hardware coming out

  4. I hope companies get on the trend again, i bought the original Requiem and absolutely loved it so i ordered this one too.
    Don't need it but it looks so good and i wanna support a new rise if the companies can look away from the quick buck of podmods for a second.

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