Mike Vapes

Vicious Ant Spade SX485J 100w Squonk Mod – #Gushfest – Mike Vapes

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  1. Anyone how buys Vicious Ant never ever has anything to say about the price because they already know the build quality is second to none. You get what you pay for. This isnt a Smok mod stamped out by the boatloads from Japan. Its Vicious Ant for christ sake! Shut up or don't buy it. The people out there who already own anything from them already know what I'm talking about. Ok I'm done lol enjoy your day, and keep on vapin

  2. Beautiful mod. Biggest con is it is a single 18650. In 2018 there is no reason they should have made the device should not hold 2×700's also. Not been using my single battery squonks as much lately because the battery always dies 1/2 way through the day.

  3. It's prettiest mod i've ever seen, no doubt. But..
    Single 18650 ? What were they thinking ? There are higher capacity batteries available now !
    i stopped the video after a minute.

  4. Nice Mod , I love Vicious Ant mods but I prefer DNA over Yihi . E Scribe is so much easier to use then yihi's soft ware . I have Three yihi mods that I've never been able to upgrade because their software is such a PAIN IN THE ASS !

  5. Should I wait for more dual battery (perhaps 21700) squonkers to come out or should I get a single-batt squonker like the Pulse 90 (X) with a single coil recurve for instance? I'm new to RDA/RSAs, but after noticing the huge jump in quality going from my oldschool EGO-C twist and later (horrible) EGO AIO to a Pico 21700 with Ello tank & coils I kind of want to take the next step. I tend to chain when at home though…

  6. Sound like Homer Simpson complaining about too much info on the screen. Had many DNA, key word had… Daily is a Q class for my wife, I prefer mech. Yihi is more efficient, hence the 100 watts, plus the power delivery from all sx chips gives flavor second to none. The DNA 250c on the other hand certainly competes on efficiency, and gives overclocking capabilities depending on the power source. Replay is pretty dope too. Beautiful device, good review.

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