Mike Vapes

Elegant & Sexy – INNOKIN Sceptre AIO

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  1. his, mike i have one question for you ,like I'm new in vaping so i just need to know how can i recognize the device which one is good for nic salt or which one is good for freebase ? Is it any way i can figure out,thanks

  2. I stumbled upon your channel by accident. I like what you do. I seriously watched it.??

    P.S. Can you reciprocate? I usually don't write comments, but then I decided. I do beats on my youtube channel, please see them.??

  3. Good, solid review. Lot to like on this one – small enough for grab & go, but enough battery to get you some decent vape-time. Love the overall design and construction. Once a redesigned coil/pod for a firmer MTL draw comes out I'll be all over it. Yeah, I like my mods! But, AIO/pod systems are very practical when size and weight are important. Different devices for different occasions!

  4. I like that you always include not having type C as a con. I view it as a drawback when i'm shopping, it makes me wonder what else about the device is dated, obvious ease of use of usb-c aside.

  5. Won one of these in a competition, so grateful that you've reviewed it as I hadn't heard anything about it until I entered the competition ? doesn't look like something I'd use really as I'm all about that Aromamizer Plus V2 life at the moment, so I'll probably gift this to a buddy when it arrives, share the love right? Thanks again Mike ?

  6. As someone thinking about transitioning to vaping, when exactly would you need to replace the coils and pods? The coils I kinda somewhat understand, but why would you replace the pod?

  7. A few things. I just got one today and I have no idea which coil is pre-installed (I hope it's the MTL cos if it's the DL it's not great). No idea what is going on with the airflow adjustment. Not really seeing the liquid level with that light. It's ok to vape on whatever coil I got. £7 for 5 coils is why I bought it. Just about good value cos it's got a nice finish and a nice feel in my hand.

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