Mike Vapes

Coilmaster One Year Anniversary

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  1. hello mike I'm a big fan of the channel. great reviews. congratulations and thank you to coil master for the giveaway. i started vaping when i lost my grandfather to cancer. keep up the great work its much appreciated. merry christmas to you and your family. #hit that sh!t !!!

  2. Thank You Coil Master, and CONGRATULATIONS!! On your ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! YEA!! Thank You to Mike Vapes for this video. I have had been smoking since 9 (2 packs a day) for 45 years. Since I have started Vaping I have not touched a CIG. Big plus to my health, and my life style.

  3. thank you Coil master and Congrats on your one year and thanks Mike to honest I Saw all your Videos and tips to Get myself the Vaper i wanted and I just start my fight agents Smoking i am vaping for the last 6 days and I am smoke free

    Thanx Mike You r inspiring and again Congrats Coil master and thanks

  4. Congrats coil master!! I quit smoking because I was tired of smelling like an ashtray and didn't want to be walking around with an oxygen tank at the age of 50. I was at 2 packs a day and now have been cig free for a year

  5. Congrats to Coil Master on y'all birthday.  I believe vaping has made a massive difference in my health. I smoked for over 40 years and have been tobacco free for the last 2 years because of vaping. I can't even begin to explain how much better off I am. As well, my lovely bride of almost 30 years is now happy to cuddle without wrinkling her nose up! LOL.

  6. congrats coilmaster
    I quit smoking and started Vaping because I at least want to live long enough to see my grandkids grow up maybe even see some great grandkids

  7. i would love to get a 521 tab. been seeing them all the time along with some knock offs and keep wanting to get one. congratulations coilmaster on your one year. i started vaping because i wanted clouds like my hookah but more portable. and while i was deployed last year, i decided to see if i could just vape without smoking, and never went back after a week trial of vaping only. sad my hookah doesn't make as dense clouds anymore as my vape, so kind of a two birds with one stone

  8. Congratulations Coilmaster on your anniversary! I started vaping and quit smoking over a year ago because I had two blood clots that turned to two pulmonary embolisms that put me in the hospital for 5 days. I now feel better than I have in years since I've quit smoking. Vaping helped save my life!

  9. i started vaping about 7 months ago and i am a rebuild freak Smoking made me alergic to Spring (i know it sounds weird) Smoking made my clothes smell like i was swimming in an ash trey.Smoking made my ability to smell qnd taste go away.Vaping free me up from the prison of cigarette. Keep on vaping guys Mery Xmas and happy birthday to you Coil master

  10. Congrats Coil Master on the 1 year anniversary! I started vaping when my dad who smoke for 40 years was able to quit the stinkies due to vaping and i figured since the old man could do it so can i and i have been loving it ever since. Thanks for all that you do Mike and Merry Christmas.

  11. Congrats coil master, been vaping now for a month and a half. I ran across this video and said hey i need a coil master. I quit chewing the beginning of November and never looked back. I just bought a Lemo 2 so this would work perfect. I am learning a lot about vaping through yours and other videos, thanks for putting them out us newbies would be lost without them.

  12. Congrats Coilmaster, I've been wanting a 521 tab, but money is too tight.  I started vaping on 510 type batteries over 8 years ago, because of my heart problems. thanks to my favorite reviewer and coiling company.

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