Mike Vapes

Propeller in My Vape? Apache RDA By Damselfly

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  1. Who at Damselfly thought to themselves…." hey let's bring those stupid propellers that were in RDA's back in 2014 -15". LOL Damselfly must of sweetened the pot pretty nice for Mike to even review this. (I don't mean for a positive review! Don't get my words twisted.) Love ya Microwave. 5 outta 5

  2. Nice one Mike, yea they definitely should have thrown in 2 top caps one with the propeller and one slam cap without it to save the user from dismantling it 🙂

  3. Hi Mike , I recently subbed to you and really love to watch your channel all the way from Australia. Love the show and was thinking that the stupid fan might be there to stop spit back ? Just a thought!?!
    Keep on Vaping ???

  4. You can hear the fan working and force feeding you vape. Just don’t get juice on your fan or it will cause restriction and not be able to spin up fast like it’s supposed to! Lmfao

  5. Can't wait for Jai to smash this fucking thing haha
    Atleast if he doesn't smash it I know I'll get some good laughs outta his reaction. Idk if this thing is innovative but it's something. Great review Mike, if it was an RTA it would look killer though.

  6. Back in 2012 a YouTuber scubabatdan made a AirPower assisted modular prototype. It connected to your mod then you tank screwed on to the (apam) it drew power from the mod and forced the air into the tank

  7. I agree 100% with Mike. The fan thing is just dumb unless you have an option to remove it or have different types of fans that are interchangeable might help it to sell even as a gimmick. It's a beautiful looking RTA oops I mean RDA?. I wonder if it's a ploy to try to get RTA guys and girls over to RDAs. I won't lie the dual air flow Inlet intrigues me enough to want to try it but that fan is throwing me way off.

  8. Well, summer is just around the corner so a you can use the fan in the RDA to blow some air in your face when your not vaping..?.. This is rediculous!

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