Mike Vapes

Vulcan Mods Vesuvius 21700 Mechanical Mod

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  1. Awesome review, very unique I'm still a new user of vape, from cigarettes And I had a question. Can you nominate a Mtl tank, but with a wide breath, knowing that I have an Expromizer v5 tank, I want something that is spacious, and I do not want a DL tank Waiting for your nomination And thank you for all the information you give us

  2. Wow, exciting, another overpriced metal tube.
    Why does a mechanical cost soooooo much when they can make the same thing regulated for less than a quarter of the price

  3. If anyone wants to get into mechanical mods don't be scared or discouraged. It's simple once you look up mechanical safety mod or series mod safety videos on youtube.

  4. yo mike, I have built for 8 years now. I had the hammer of god v1, 4 batteries paralleled. my glory build for that beast was 19g stainless, dual coil running 5 wraps. 0.05 resistance. running something this low takes knowledge that the batteries and mod you are running needs to push over 80 amps. people are gong to cry even know i have done this for years safely. i don't chain vape train builds. stay safe everyone. always do your oms law math before building.. cheers

  5. straight up solid review as always.. man that color combo ?
    I got giggly when ya said “shit like that bothers me” ? Hey quick question.. if you could shake your mod like you were rolling some dice to charge it.. would you??

  6. Hey man. I'm not trying to be rude , just honest. Right now I can't buy vape juice anywhere cuz of the PACT act. I guess it's the same for other people? Why would people buy new mods if you can't use them? I guess you can make your own juice. I don't know about that ?? Anyone know how or where I can get juice ??

  7. So im not sure if anyone would pay attention to my comment but i am wondering where are you guys buying mech mods. I live in the US and i cant find anything online

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