Mike Vapes

Smok G150 Kit With the Big Baby Beast – Giveaway – Mike Vapes

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  1. Great review, I learnt heaps about this device from your review. They look very user friendly, compact and watching your video produce a huge cloud which is more than enough for me as I've only just started vaping around 3-4 weeks ago. I started vaping to give up the cigarettes and haven't had a cigarette since the first day I vape. Currently have the Joyetech ATO Penguin. Been following your channel and learning heaps about different vape units. I do very much like this unit in your video. Something I can progress onto for a main unit or secondary for work hours but more so for when at home to enjoy and relax. My work is underground miner here in western Australia and live here as well. Many thanks for a great informative review mate, I'll find a supplier here in Australia on the east coast to see if they have them in stock. Here in western Australia the sale / display of vape units, accessories, juices is 100%banned and illegal due to pressure from the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry companies lobbying with a large amount of cash ( approx $300 million from insider sources) to the previous and also new currently elected state governments. This situation is also in the state of Queensland as well. Northern Territory isn't much better either. Mainly the other states of Australia is very relaxed in comparison. We have overall the most severe and draconian laws against vaping in our country as the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry are losing money as people wake up, take back their life from crippling cigarettes and stop smoking drugs like Zyban, Champix – Australian brand name for the USA rand known as Chantix.
    Anyway thanks again for the great review on a vape unit I'm interested in moving up to and purchasing from a shop / retailer in our eastern states.

  2. Hi Everyone , I've just purchased this G150 , all i've seen is bad reviews online. Has anyone actually had this machine for more than 6 months to a year and can confidently say they've had no problems ?

  3. hey man i really need you help im just getting into vaping and i cant decide between the tarot nano and the smok g150 there both matched at the same price point i just cant figure out which one i should get plzz help

  4. I've got a G150 which is basically new, I updated the firmware & now it will not power on nor anything, I tried pushing the reset button in hopes of making it work yet it didn't help. What can be done to get it working again?

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