Mike Vapes

Sigelei Fuchai R7 Review – Mike Vapes

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  1. I recently bought just the mod and I noticed there is two magnets if you look where it slides in on the bottom of the battery case there is one on the top of that little lip where in would meet with the positive side of the battery

  2. good you are so amazing,your channel just blow my mind that you such a good content ok man keep up the good work.god bless you.
    I need a vape because every time I see Someone I'm jealous I sometimes think I'm holding the vape. If I'm just rich I'll give a giveaway to the poor people. And I hope I'll win the giveaway . Create more nice videos man.Please choose me.
    I'm from Philippines
    Please choose me
    I'm so need this vape

  3. If they make a mod with a bottle opener you should get credit. When I first saw it, I thought of hooking a cord to it so when you get out of the car it doesn’t bounce across the ground. Can’t count how many times I’ve dropped mine getting out the car.

  4. This vape fucking sucks, I dropped it 2 ft from my pocket while sitting down and the mod completely shattered and the coil got stuck inside the glass, and you can’t even take the glass part out, so i took a pair of pliers and the fucking glass broke. 200$ gone to waste

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