Mike Vapes

Aspire Atlantis V2 Review, Coil Break Down, And I Vape The 0.5 ohm coils at 55 watts

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  1. There's a 510 drip tip adaptor by Aspire for Atlantis 2, which I'm using right now. Original drip was too big for me, so was happy to see the Aspire adaptor. X

  2. how come the .3 is rated for 70-80 and the .5 rated for 20-30, but the 1.0 is rated for 40-50. this is confusing the he'll outta me. I got I stick 50 and pretty new at vaping and wanna get the best life outta my gear , so any help will help. cuz I was us in the 1.0 at 50 and hitting hard and fast and works well. just got .5 and around 30w and hits good just slower. so which way is best for coil and bat life.

  3. I dont get it… The 0.5 coils on my mega gives me burnt taste on 20-30watt while at 50watt its giving me good flavor, no burnt taste or dry hits… Im wanting to continue vaping at 50w but dont want to burn my coil out…. Anyone having same issues?

  4. so this coil seems nice. i head if fits the melo 3 tank. i own one and i find the flavor to be a bit meh. plus the coils that came with it started tasting burned in like 5 days. i pulled one put and it seemed to have had a hot spot. i am gonna try the ceramic coil by eleaf on it next. but i also wanna try this type of coils.

  5. will the new atlantis atlantis 2 coils work with triton is my question. the old ones do and about a $5 difference. is it worth it compared to the triton/ atlantis coils old vers?

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