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I love watching you put these together, this one looks super comfy.
The orange color is very cool. 🟠🟧🟠
Good to have a cat assistant helping out.
Thanks for doing another ebike review. You'll need an ebike garage with all the bikes you have ☺️
You always come out with a video when some bad happens to me.
Just looking at that bike I aged 10 years 😂
Very nice, my daughter would love this bike, thank you Zophie, as always a great product review.
❤جميل جدا رائع جدا كفو❤❤❤LOVE❤LIVE❤❤❤
From experience I advise you, do not do that kind of work barefoot, just a note, I love your reviews and assemblies.
thanks for the vid – cheers. i may have to recommend this to a friends daughter who has some mobility issues
You are so very awesome. Did you rent a warehouse to store all your bikes!v😄
I think you picked the best colour. 😊
Where do u keep all the e bikes when ur not using them
Who's that slow poke at 8:58? I know who it is, your twin 🙂 That trike looks a lot nicer than the other one. Who know that there was a folding trike with a differential drive system. That was another great ebike/trike review!
It puts the lotion in the basket. It does this whenever it's told…LOL Thanks, Zophie.
Oh wish I was a seat
Nice job.