Mike Vapes

Vape Cige VTBOX200 v3 DNA 200

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  1. Thank you so much mike
    i really follow your reviews and they are really good 🙂 i am going to order vt box 200 soon as you have said in your review that they fixed all the issues which where in version1.

  2. Hey Mikey: I sent you a Linkin request a few days back – I wanted to show you some pics of both my Vape Cige VTBox 200 – white and black and my new all red one. There gorgeous – yes, me gushing. Stay real – stay calm and stay vaping.

  3. i heard the 510 is glued and can break off if you biuld rdas on it. and its not covered by the warranty. thats the reason i didn't get it. got the specail edition smy sdna instead.

  4. gearbest is not a place where I longer shop. I have ordered several times and item was not on hand….. They played 3 months with my $300.00 until I started raising he'll….. imagine if they have 1,000 customers money in the bank monthly collecting interest…… Sorry I said goodbye….

  5. Love it how you always "test" DNA-devices and never ever use TC. You don't even count the chipset as a "pro", even though it's the best chipset around, being the major selling point for most people. It's what makes those shitty boxes valuable in the first place. But that's exactly what most American YouTubers do when they "review" mods. Don't know why that is that most of you dislike TC. Maybe it's because you don't understand how to use it correctly.

  6. V3 dna 250w chip in newer pre order on Gearbest think im going to order one just pre ordered the 30mm Aromamizer Supreme , 10ml -5ml tank kit ,like a limited edition set , with postless deck 30mm looks very nice , so this newer VTbox v3 250 is 32mm says on specs , perfect for the supreme an my Mod Farther RTA , Temple 30mm , should all work an look good on this device ,

  7. just Pre ordered This Vapecige DNA 250w Gearbest this for 86.57 inc shipping , using codes got 33£ off Bargain , 86.57£ for a Dna 250w that fits 30mm tanks , just thought i would share , code is , (Vapecige 250) says shipping or preOrder till 20th Dec , on vape cige web site they have a very nice looking new mod dna 133 dual 18650 with stabilised wood Removable dual side panels too , small compact device similar size looks a to
    HotCig r 150. says new coming devices , ????

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