Mike Vapes

CigPet ECO12 Sub Ohm Tank – Mike Vapes

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  1. I have this tank (2of them), and they leak like hell!
    Mike, you went on so much about the damned resin drip tips and not enough about the actual Vape itself. I was hoping to hear something about possible leaking problems like I've been having. I bought two of them plus a range is coils straight off and they are unusable!!:/
    Please let me know if you have these problems with this tank?
    Btw, I generally LOVE your reviews!:)

  2. Seperate purchase "option" on the rebuildable deck?? Deal Breaker. If it dont come with it. Its out! Ill go with the djv rdta instead. Cigpet…. you Dropped the ball being greedy. ?

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