Mike Vapes

Ni200 Nickel Build on Smok TFV4 Single rba Base

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  1. been having a problem how to use temp coeficency rate. cant find any helpful guides in the internet.i built 12 wraps 28g nickel single coil reading .14ohms i cant find the right setup in it. any help please? mike?

  2. I've noticed a really good way to have an evenly spaced ni200 coil is to wrap the coil like normal, without spaces, then – go in between the final wrap on each side and pull it apart so there's a gap between each wrap of the coil. Lastly, push it all together and hold for a few seconds. It should then be evenly spaced as best as it can be. It's like a spring, once it gets uncoiled, it can never go back to fully coiled without there being spaces.

  3. micro coil pro is a great app for building's. nickel, stainless steel, titanium up to 20/wraps spaces or micro, and even twisted. up to 6 coils and up to 6 wires in a coil. Google play store 1 dollar fee

  4. Thanks Mike. Really helped me. I just purchased a DNA 200 device and a Smok TFV4 tank with both RBA Single and Duel Coil heads so I can rebuild my own NI200 coils and try out temperature control. Thanks Again 🙂

  5. Question….. I made the same build for my swoop mod with a sx350j chip. I am new to temperature control and was wondering what should I set the temperature in F• and joules at? Thank you in advance

  6. Just a heads up peeps, doing my 3rd build on this deck and noticed the threads are damaged in deck. Have been building for a while so confident it's nothing i have done. Just annoying now the unit is redundant?

  7. hi Mike …I need some help from you please, I vape kanthel and I never tried temp control before, I have only UD ni200 26 awg wire wich I want to use but with help of alot of calculators I end up with 300 or 400 coil raps , my spot targets is 0.5 to 1 ohm …and I wanted to use it on Derringer rda ..(dual coils) is it possible? I appreciate your opinion.

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