Mike Vapes

WoToFo ReCurve Dual 24mm RDA Presentation Video Designed By Mike Vapes!

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  1. Hello mike! Just today i got the recurve dual coil and for the first time of my 5yrs vape life, wooooh baby! This is sooo amazing! The look, clouds and flavor got me into heaven feeling! I put it on my 1.5 yr old wismec luxotic bf by the way ☺️ Thank you Mike for your amazing product! Godbless!

  2. Hi Mike love the rda, just an idea for you. Been thinking of how good that build deck would be as an rta with top honey comb air flow:D awesome video as always

  3. I bought this to replace my old faithful drop dead rda and after a few days of pissing around I have now retired it and gone back to the drop dead because I fell for all the marketing jargon about amazing flavour and airflow. All it did was cause my mod to be wet all the time under the rda. I was using it as a dripper and the juice was coming from the rings around the cap never the airflow holes. The flavour was nowhere near as good as the drop dead rda and a lot of semi dry hits which I never get from the drop dead rda. I wasted money and was lured by over sell reviews. I cant fault my drop dead rda it never ever leaks even after a year of constant use. I am sorry I ever went behind its back for a affair with a better looking one that turned out to be rubbish. Lesson learned.

  4. Haven’t built drippers in years. Picked this one up and damn…… easy to set up and perfect airflow for me wide open. Flavor is amazing. Love my slick looking stainless version so much I’m going to order another one. This time in gold… because, you know…… this rda is solid gold.
    Great work Mike. A+

  5. I wish they made this in a mesh version, rda looks amazing I’m just not a fan of building coils, I have the profile rda and I love the flavor I get from it but looks wise I like the way the recurve dual looks. Make it happen Mike

  6. I just bought your Recurve Dual and I'm impressed, I've been vaping since 2012 and had many atomizer but the Recurve is the best vaping experience I had, it's cloud production is plenty but still very flavorful like a mtl, good job man, I hope you make RTA/RDTA of this Recurve.

  7. I now have it in my hands and all I can say is wow! You sir have done it again. Sitting on top of my Recurve mod, air flow wide open with the supplied coils is vape heaven. Also, all companies take note. THIS is how you do Gunmetal. It's the most accurate representation of Gunmetal color I've ever seen.

  8. Just purchased it yesterday in gunmetal color to match my aegis legend limited edition gunmetal and it looks fcking gorgeous!!! The airflow is smooth and its perfect for me❤️

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