Mike Vapes

HellVape Dead Rabbit v3 RDA!

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  1. Would have loved this in a 28mm format lol or even be cool if they beefed it up to at least 25mm or even 26mm to sit flush on their Trishul v2 mech mod (which I love btw best 35$ mech haha). But I remember the drop dead was my daily years ago . Can't believe how times fly . Anyways Thx mike!! Appreciate the reviews brother ?

  2. I was surprised that you cut the coil legs before installing them. I thought the point of the tilted deck was so you could cut the coils after placing them and locking them in place. Not criticizing, just wondering.

  3. The DR RDA are nice but Still to this day my favorite dual coil RDA is the 'Mike Vapes' X hell vape Rebirth RDA! I put some .13ohm 3mm ID aliens in that bad boy and it's brilliant on my single 21700 mech mod! When I'm in the mood for a really warm vape I stick some series coils in it & run it on my stacked mech mod! I can literally drip for days thanks to the way the airflow is setup! Keep up the awesome work man ✌️

  4. Anyone have the aequitas and DRV2? The aequitas is my all time favorite rda but i can only find it on one site in the UK and it's pricey. I get the vibe the DRV2 would vape very similar. Can anyone confirm?

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