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4 Winter Vaping Tips You Need to Know!
November 30, 2020
The natural evolution of vaping does not go from inhaling warm steam in any flavor you can imagine, to sucking down burning, acrid air that tastes like a hillbilly's unwashed a$$hole and hurts your throat. That's just illogical.
But when your a teen getting sick of 0mg and it dosent feel like enough adventually it leads to smoking
Honestly kids are going to do hella things they shouldn't and people should realize we do NOT live in a perfect little bubble. But, would you rather have kids vape, or constantly be smoking and drinking. Vaping is extremely more healthier than putting tar in your lungs. Big tobacco comps should probably stop paying certain outlets to tarnish vaping, it was created to stop smokers from smoking and has saved many lives all the shitty media is just creating fearmongering. Instead of telling people vaping will kill all their qhy not tell how youth smoking is at an all time low? And i wonder what magical thing made that possible…
Btw:I do not condone vaping until legal age but if you're going to do something harmful then have it at least be vaping
Save there's another DC rally in September let's save vaping let's speak the truth about how it saved our lives
Dr. Farsalinos is one of my heroes. Doesn't hurt that he's Greek! ??
I wish I would have known vaping lead to smoking I wouldn't have quit smoking cigarettes with a vape if I had known…. sarcasm…
probably paid by the smoking companies. middle finger to him. keep up the good work guys
@ 2:53 "Part of my job as a propagandist is to speak to the evidence that I know and as I misunderstand it, And, we have that false evidence." – Fixed it for him. 😉
Evidence is just evidence it's not proof.. You can have false evidence, you can't have false proof..
Its your thing but i dont get why you have ears for plugs but you dont use any?
Can someone help me I’m new to vaping I used to smoke and I have 12 mg of nicotine and it’s burning in my throat so much and it’s not my coil is that to much nicotine?
Everybody who is vaping knows that it's bullshit
Vaping… might lead to someone trying cigs short term or a bit long term… Damn… Too bad someone didn't invent a portable electronic device to inhale flavored vapor that smokers can switch to. MY IQ = 3
Washing clothes leads to eating tide pods! TWU
could it have more to do with banning vaping and now theyll be left with nothing but cigarettes in some places? i mean should teens or kids being doing? no. BUT since we all know theyre going to, and thats how the adult smokers started on cigarettes to begin with… as teens… i know i did. if given ONLY those two options, its been proven that vaping is by far the safer one (when people arent left with only illegal options like homemade thc cartridges). taking the puritanical path of "NO!" just isnt based in reality. prohibition never works. id rather have professionally produced products that are proven safer, that have to return to a more dangerous product im trying to leave behind, or an illegal homemade product thats known to create medical problems or even kill. instead of banning vaping. just make thc legal everywhere, so it can be safely and professionally produced like nicotine or cbd based products.
This is the biggest lie. Hahaha
Vaping doesn’t lead to smoking. smoking leads to vaping ban cigarettes
hammond is paid by phillip morris.
For sure! ?
if you're vaping cigarette will have a disgusting taste, this claim is really absurd
3 years vaping now. I feel great.
no matter what, teens will always find a way to do what they want so in my opinion all this strugle is useless. give up. let people do what they want. wanna die? their choice. we're too many on this planet anyway
Well we are never gonna how to stop kids from smoking but it dosent mean banning vaping for the people that want to do the right thing and quit smoking !.
But no it won’t lead to smoking cause a lot of kids that vape dont like cigarettes and get freaked out about smoking cigarettes that’s why I believe they vape weather it be nicotine cause not all kid use nicotine in vapes or the tar or the other 7000+ chemicals that’s why they probably vape teens or kids shouldn’t be doing none but in reality if a teen/kid wants to they will and what would u rather them chose vaping or smoking???
People seem to forget that when you read a study about vaping see if tobacco companies or there parent companies funded it, because it’s probably skewed
With vaping, more teens are TRYING nic with vaping but many arent continuing with it as their curiosity was satisfied