Mike Vapes

Dovpo Topside Dual 18650 200w Squonk Mod By TVC

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  1. I think i'ts still kind of expensive here in UK – might come down now that Expo is over but… Also I stay away from mods where the battery connections are incorporated into the door. I've had issues with this in the past. That's where the rage scores for me. Shame becasue I love the top refill concept. Also I think 21700 versions will come in handy if you like me you sometimes break out the Bonza 1.5 with a low resistance high wattage build and bust some high flavour serious cloudage at around 100 -110w.

  2. ive tried adjusting the Voltage but it doesnt take. Everytime I go back to the VW setting it just goes back to where it was when i bought it. Right now I have it at 55.0 watts and the voltage is 3.05
    I wanted to lower the voltage. How do i achieve this ?

  3. i have 2 of these mofos and both give me the blues with the wonky battery door not getting a connection. I have to jiggle it or bang it around to get power. Anyone else get this?

  4. Was given the topside dual along with wotofo profile rda as a gift. They also gave me hohm life batteries. The mesh coils are rated at .13ohm. I usually keep my mod at 45-50 watts. Will these batteries be safe to use with this setup? Tried a test run. When I fire the mod it shows 45w .12ohm and 20.1amps show 19amps

  5. Why would Brian put such a shitty battery door on a great mod? He really missed an opportunity with this. I'm constantly having to open the door and re shut it bc it gets loose after a while and then the batteries either don't make connection with the contacts, or I get a weak battery error, or I hear a rattle with the batteries. Really frustrating. Make a version 2 Brian and fix this shit.

  6. I have tried several squonk mods ever since I was turned on to the RDA's and this is by far the best ever. At first I was hesitant at the price but for the quality device I received it was well worth it instead of throwing money away on mods that work for a few months and then die and were not that great to begin with. Great review Mike. I normally wait to hear all you have to say about a review before making up my mind but this time I knew this was a great squonk mod right from the start. Keep up the great reviews. I really depend upon them to help me choose my vape products.

  7. I have the Aegis Legend and have been using the Zeus Dual and the Zeus X. Got the Wotofo Profile mesh RDA yesterday and shopping for a squonker. Was looking at the Geekvape Gbox, but after discovering this and seeing the cons with the Gbox, I think I'm gonna go with this one instead

  8. I got my Topside Dual today, and all is great, but mine won't go in stealth mode. I'd like to be able to turn the brightness down all the way or go in stealth mode 🙁

  9. Bought this after seeing the review. Loved the topside dual and the drop RDA that I bought to go with it. The squonk is great except for one issue. The battery door stopped starting closed after only 2 months. So, I now have to use a rubberband to hold it shut.

  10. I bought one of these from VAPOR MADNESS in Greenfield, Indiana. My evaluation is that this is not sealed well. I have a WOTOFO Profile RDA on top of this. I do not get leaks, per se, but if I "squonk" past the air inlets of the profile, I get leaks. This mod does not handle it well. It started firing on it's own. I triple-clicked the fire button to stop that, but because this mod is not sealed well against leaks, the electronics did not follow normal rules. IT FAILS! If leaked juice gets inside the controller it will fire in your pocket! IT FAILS.

    Also, the battery door latch is not good. After two months of use, if I even bump it slightly, the battery door opens and my batteries drop out. NOT GOOD when it happens and I am driving. The battery door latch needs work to be a more "Positive" latch. I don't want it to open unless I WANT IT TO OPEN. This mod needs more waterproofing against leaks. Not a bad statement against the Profile RDA, I am not reviewing that here, I am saying that this expensive mod is not ready for real-life. I voided my warranty and took this apart. I had to clean all of the leaked-in juice from the insides to get this to work again. I am an electronics technician. 40 years experience. I know how to fix things. If you are not an electronics technician and do not want to take this apart to clean the leaks, DON'T BUY THIS!!! There are no seals against leaks to the electronics.

    Very poor design, in my opinion. It should be sealed better against leaks. Yes, I am using Fusion360 to try and design a better design. So not just complaining, just trying to fix this otherwise nice squonk box. I am left-handed. The squonk tank makes you squonk, then rotate it again to fire it. Why not make it so I can squonk and fire in the same hand position? Put the fire button on the side, maybe?

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