Mike Vapes

INNOKIN Coolfire Z50 Kit With Zlide 24mm

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  1. Mike Mike Mike Mike I'm really liking this little MTL great looking bit of kit as i say to people there is know need to be walking ?around vaping a big box ? mod with a car ? batterys ??in it now i really want to pick this one up hope i can get it in the uk thanks again Mike and Steven for the review ??

  2. Mike would taking on and off the drp tip all the time to refll it make it lose after time with the e liquid on it as well ? What do you recommend would it make it lose? Thanks again pal ??

  3. This tank isn't aimed at me, but it's fantastic that other people are being catered for. Older vapers, women, and people who just aren't geeks like me. Looks like a good job!

  4. Great review as always Mike ? my wife loves her Zlide tank too she has a Billet Box but uses the Zlide kit more than the Billet Box good thing I use her Billet Box or it would have been a waste of damn near $500 all said and done with all the shit I bought her for that damn box I try to confiscate her Zlide kit just cuz I want to see why she likes it more than her Billet Box/Kayfun Prime bridge (awesome MTL bridge but a pain in the ass to find and costs $170 ) anyway hopefully Innokin will send me the Coolfire kit as my secret squirrel winning from the Vape Team Thanks for another great review and for the opportunity Mike ? I'll be looking forward to seeing you tonight on True Vapor's show

  5. Good review on that thing. I am strictly an open Direct Lung Vapor so it would not be on my wish list. But it is a decent looking unit that is for sure. I agree with you on the Black kit with Glossy and Mat finish.

  6. This is not a slam, and I love you’re channel, but when you do the Up Close, you sound like Joe Mantenga when he does the voice of Fat Tony on The Simpsons

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