Mike Vapes

Lost Vape Centaurus B80 & B60 AIO Boro Kits

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  1. Watching a second time because 1 I'd loved too see a closer look at the contacts on the inside of the tank section because it looked odd. And 2 it would have been cool if they did that same sketching on the 80 that is throughout the 60 imo.

  2. I'm a left handed person and like you said i like too thumb fire also. But like the pulse aio mini i love it but if i thumb fire i block all airflow. So this device is like the reverse version of the pulse layout imo. I think this device would sit better in hand then my loved pulse aio minis. By the way mike could you snap a pic of this next too the pulse mini please?

  3. This is such a disappointment! I expected a high end boro mod from lost vape and not this cheap terrible generic boro mod. there's enough of them on the market. Lost vape has really degraded in quality… They were know for the best quality products and now to see this garbage… what a disappointment!

  4. The drip tip you hate most is actually a clone of the Monarchy Vape drip tip same style same shape same 2 pieces so I'd take it up with Monarchy if you have a problem with it. They've sold many 10's of thousands of them.
    I thought a you tube professional would've known the product

  5. About to come out for sale on the Spanish website i use.
    Not a fan of the ''splatter'' on the black but the panels are made of metal which is a pro but the other color the ''Magnetic Black'' looks awesome but from what i see the front panel (where you the battery and buttons are) is made of transparent plastic…so yeah still deciding.
    P.S: Thank god for a AIO/Boro i can use as a lefty.

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