Mike Vapes

Gas Mods 22mm Nixon S Rda – Build & Wick Tutorial – Mike Vapes

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  1. Great review Mike! Not my style, but nice rda too. Hope Gas Mods listens to ur suggestions cuz those improvements would make this rda much better, IMO.

  2. Great review. Thanks for sharing it with us, Mike. It's a shame they didn't use an 810 instead of that tiny 510. If it had an 810 drip tip, I would pre-order this rda because it's so gorgeous. ☹Hopefully they release top caps with 810 drip tips and then I will pick one up for sure.

  3. Can someone please assist me. I purchased the Gas Mods Nixon S RDA with the black deck. I usually clean all my drippers in an ultrasonic cleaner before using them, however I am worried the ultrasonic cleaner will chip or remove the black paint from the deck of this dripper. Has anyone cleaned theirs with an ultrasonic cleaner and, if so, did it damage the black finish on the deck? Thank you all for your assistance!

  4. Thanks Mike I was about hit the check out button to buy this, but I wanted to get a solid review of this so I checked you out (long time watcher). I was going to buy this just to have something different. I love single coil squonker RDAs. I think I'll take one in blue thanks to vapordna ($12). Peace.

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