Mike Vapes

Love Them!! Uwell Caliburn ZEGA AZ3 & GZ2

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  1. Hoped it was going to be a smaller Caliburn X, I don't think I could go back to 2ml pods after changing to 3ml. Also not a fan of the pods with the airflow wheel, they get super leaky after a while.

  2. Hello I have a question that you recommend I buy. I'm from Mexico and there isn't much variety here. What do you recommend? I come from a somk Prince stick and I would like one that produces good smoke and a good flavor.

  3. I stopped smoking thanks to vaping however it was not the regular mtl that helped me quit. I tried a few and didnt get enough out of them. Finally when I tried the vandyvapes Kylin on the Ijoy Captain PD270 that I finally managed to quit. So now close to 7 years stinky free. I do currently use a couple of pods the Crown M with the .6 ohm coils and the argus p1. However I also have a topside dual v2 with the vapers cloud valhalla micro set up for DL flavour and cloud.

  4. I'm still using the G2, however the quality of those G coils has dropped significantly. There are compatible coils from Aspire, about the same quality but almost half the price (the ones that come with the Evio C/C2)

  5. It's so stupid that they cut the caliburn in half and glued the pieces together and now I want to go out and buy it like it's the most innovative pod ever made!

  6. I'm currently using a Caliburn g2 with lava flow 12mg!!! SMM Matt has me hooked on 12mg freebase now instead of salts!!! Flavor is 10000x better with freebase and you get used to the lower nicotine in 24 hours

  7. I really hate these top fill cartridges. This is reason why I stopped using my KoKo because even with care after few refill is was broken. I really much like side fill with rubber. I now have two little ones from Eleaf – Iore LITE2 and Iore1 with 2ml cartridge and for 10$ better than disposable vape (i hate disposable vape..)

  8. Tell Steve I said what’s up the Caliburn? is the vape help me quit? I have a bunch of vaping relations like 9 or 10 big cloud, chasers, Caliburn help me finally quit. I’ve got three of them and I had to get another one OK Steve Mike good contact

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