Mike Vapes

I Stand With Rip! – Last Chance To Save Vaping! – Mike Vapes

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  1. Mike – Surprised some vapor's feel it's a waste of time to donate. If you give up there is definitely no chance in hell for anything to get done in our favor. It costs money to go to court and fight. Just buy one less bottle less of ejuice or how about not buying that third or fourth tank or mod right now. Let's join all these people that are busting their asses and fighting for this cause. Just saying guys, it is worth it and it is NOT a lost cause. Let's stay together and continue the fight.

  2. I Will Donate Mike ;-);-)  I have made a Few donations to fight the TPD here in UK and Europe, I have also donated to fight the FDA in America.. I'm Not Rich, but I will do what I can !!!    '''Well Done Mike''' you are a ''True Ambassador For Vaping'''  It makes me Smile and feel proud to be a Sub of yours 😉 😉

  3. Mike, you never cease to amaze me. You have taken a major step into the front lines and everything you do is nothing short of admirable. You are one of the leaders that should be, and are applauded and respected. Rip is a human being and made a couple of bonehead decisions but don't we all. There isn't one person on this planet that has the right to judge anyone else. We are all imperfect and have our faults.
    Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for absolutely every moment you invest into this community. It wasn't too long ago we were on a live show together and you were talking about meeting Nick and mentioning to him that he needed to be a leader of reviewers in this fight. Just like that, YOU are one of those leaders. Kudo's my friend. I will support your efforts in anyway I possibly can.

  4. I gave not blowing smoke $100 and when I can I'll do the same with Rip. Ain't much but I hope it can do something. I smoked for 10 years and I'm not going back.

  5. No disrespect intended but that money will get swallowed up.
    You can fight the FDA as long as you want and plough millions into the cause but (and it kills me to say this) you will not beat them.
    There are billions of dollars at stake for some very rich organisations that have a vested interest in killing vaping and they can spend and spend to see that they get the outcome they want.
    The FDA know vaping is all about harm reduction, of course they do as the evidence is there for them to see, but palms have been greased, deals have been done and the future of vaping has been written.
    I'm sorry if this is negative but it's not a fair race, the whole vaping world can see that the corruption and the lies are in place to ensure that they will win…and it stinks!
    I applaud you for your efforts but tobacco and the dependency on its revenue rules in the USA I'm afraid.

  6. Although I understand the proceeds are minimal, I think it would send an amazing message if the youtube reviewer's banded together and pledged their youtube income streams or a portion there of to support the fight against the FDA until the regulations are overturned. In this way, our viewership would contribute to the cause in addition to our own separate donations. Perhaps you could consider this and discuss with those reviewers you have ties to.

  7. People please donate!! We all need to use our voices and donate! Speak to your city officials! We have to donate people to save what we love! Let's make history!!

  8. I live in a suburb of Washington DC. I actually know a guy who is a lobbyist. He comes off the train every day looking beat to hell. I asked him what his day would usually consist of, and he said "Well, my day consists of taking one legislator out to breakfast with a ridiculous tab for the most expensive items on the menu at the most expensive restaurants, and we have a few drinks and talk about what I want done. Then I bring another legislator in for brunch…." and the cycle continues. Legislators can't accept money or material gifts, but nothing is against the rules for fancy dinners. Over those dinners, they talk about agreements and how if the lobbyist got their way, the legislator would benefit in some way also. How do you think big tobacco got what they wanted? It's a tough and corrupt game, and while we might be upset that our money might go into a steak and a glass of champagne for some old fart legislator only to open an opportunity to talk with no guarantee, this is the game. We have to play it or we lose. If in the process, we save vaping, we will be taxed heavily. I'd rather have the taxes. If we were even more profitable than big tobacco, we just might have a good chance of having an easier fight and becoming America's next cash cow, and hopefully we wouldn't lose our ethics in the process. We need to stand up because these old farts on the hill see the young generation and know they're pushovers. They want to protect their investment. Let's donate, beat this, and give big tobacco the finger.

  9. I've personally think mike vapes is right that we can't give up. I've donated upwards of 750.00 dollars in the last 6 month's. I do believe vaping has saved my life. But at the same time it feel's as if the government has already made up their minds. Idk If donating is really the answer. these big companies need to prove to us ( the consumers ) that they have our backs and fight like hell.

  10. The whole point to vaping was to get off ciggs. not to create another habit. By the time two years rolls around you should be off ciggs and vaping. I am not going to make people rich by buying their juice.

  11. Great Mike. I'm with you and have donated even though I am European. We have, as you said to stand united against FDA and EU''s TPD Article 20. And remember, smoking is dead, vaping is the future. and the future is now. 😉

  12. Here In Belgium the same thing. In one month we will have only 2ml tanks and only 10ml bottles and of course a lot e juice that will not be here anymore. We are screwed. Or there most be money enough to stop it. But who will pay that? 50.000 euros and we have just like 9000 euros donations. Belgium is to small and the vape business is just now growing like hell. But without a big sponsor or someone we are screwed… 17 January 2017 will be a black day in Belgium. They are not thinking about our health. Only stealing money.

  13. Mike, can you answer these questions?

    $277,631 USD
    raised by 1,369 people in 7 months

    What has happened to all this money?
    Has it been divided up between the YouTube channels that promoted it?
    Has Greg saved vaping in the USA?
    Have all the donors been ripped off?

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