Mike Vapes

N.Y. Flavor Ban Interview – City Vape NYC

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  1. Never apologize to a false narrative (or a mob). And most certainly don't act like you're sorta maybe OK with more restrictions or bans just so long as they leave your bit alone. Because your bit will ALWAYS going to be next. ALL the problems come from crap being put into mods. And if kids are going to get hooked on something, I can't think of a better drug than nicotine. I mean it doesn't cause psychotic episodes like THC, unless you consider a good work ethic and super human focus psychotic…

  2. Quit smoking 1-2 packs a day Reds for 20 years cold turkey two days before my daughter was born. Nothing but sunflower seeds for a week.. still had the urge and finally bought a vape stick. First flavor I got was tobacco because I thought it was dumb to vape fruits. Tobacco flavor was horrible and I gave the flavored stuff a chance. Melon and Berry was excellent 3mg. Still haven’t touched a cigarette for over a month. Trying many other flavors now. I live in California and I’m worried this will happen here.

  3. I could be wrong but I believe that this is all about BIG TOBACCO and lobbying! This has nothing to do with kids vaping but in fact the money that BIG TOBACCO is losing. Also I believe the EVIL ass demonic don't want people to have a healthier choice but in fact they want people to SMOKE CIGARETTES and get sick!

  4. I'm 35 and I could only quit the stinkies with 50mg… if it hit a low of 20mg I dont think I would've quit to be honest. We the north feel bad that flavors are coming to an end for you guys… maybe time to move to canada lol…

  5. It's not about safety or the kids, it's about the millions in tax revenue New York is losing out on from tobacco. Cuomo probably owns stock in big tobacco also.

  6. I was a smoker for over 20 years. Since I was a young teenager. I ended up needing a nebulizer. Then my DOCTOR recommended to try vaping. I’ve never picked up a cigarette since. I recently had a chest X-ray and breathing test done and my doctor now says my lungs are as if I’ve never smoked before. These bans will do nothing but hurt us. I’ve already written to and called my congressman here in NY and have everyone I know doing the same.

  7. I read quite a few comments and I see where people say it helped them quit smoking or it helped in cases where people are asthmatic and I think this is great news but all you did is take a bad habit and traded it in for a better (safer) habit that still is addicting. In the video they already said they see people smoking now. I'm against the ban on flavors but I'd more impressed by a product that weans people off the addiction all together. Smoking should be a here and there kind of thing and done out of enjoyment and relaxation much like Hookahs. Not something where you are constantly dragging on it to get your fix unless you are on a program to get to the point where you quit. Age 21, I'm all for it unless prescribed by a Doctor as I'd rather see a kid vaping something safe vs smoking a polluted cigarette. Companies only distribute to licensed vaping stores and any other store caught selling, heavy fines or shut them down, they know what they are doing so hold them accountable.

  8. It's a fact cigarettes are very bad. When you put it in perspective; if we don't know it about de E-sig. But your body feels so much better. It's than already a win win situation! In the worst scenario you'll swoop something wrong to another that's wrong, but still feels so much better!

  9. Thanks for being a part of the fight against vaping prohibition! City Vape is my local shop and it would be devastating to me to see them have to close.
    Worse, devastating for my health after being cigarette free for 5 years! Losing my RIGHT to a safer alternative to cigarettes will drive me right back into big tobacco's hand!


  10. Watch the eliquid flavour ban quickly to be followed with the marketing of the IQOS type systems and possibly as the only ‘alternative’ to smoking traditional cigarettes being made available by the Government and State Governors. Checkout who owns these companies.


    – Government – From continued Tobacco Tax collection

    – Big Tobacco—they own these IQOS devices and with these types of devices they even manage to keep some of their traditional supply chain.

    – Big Tobacco also wins as with the help of government they have prevented Vaping Eliquid from continually dimensioning there year on year sales – in effect they have killed off vaping.

    – US States – continued expected increase on their Tobacco MSA agreement as sales are predicted to increase by replacing Vaping as the alternative.


    – The general public that wanted an alternative to smoking cigarettes for health and cost reasons.

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