Mike Vapes

Govad Rda By Vandy Vape – Great Flavor – Mike Vapes

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  1. was so excited to have this and to my surprise it leaks!!!! the seal where the bottom air flow is, isn't tight enough. did a water test and failed. So disappointed

  2. Great review from Mike (as usual). got this dripper recently, and so far I'm loving it. I was interested in this because of the multi airflow options (I've settled on side airflow only, for now). The flavour on the govad is excellent, it really brings out the nuances of some liquids that have subtle background flavours. For the price, this is a really good R"D"A ; like Mike stated, you can't really drip with the top cap on. Don't let that put you off though; this one is great for sitting watching TV, puffing flavour on a single coil TC wire.

  3. another great review mike. I received my Govad and My only con is when all wicked up you cannot see the when the Juice well is full, other then that great Flavour with this rda

  4. I used to have the Pharaoh Dripper Tank, and you can easily put 2 coils in there, stuffing it with cotton isn't even that difficult. If you really want to, I mean really, you can put 3 coils.

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