Mike Vapes

$1500 Vape Chess Board Assembly With Mrs. Vapes

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  1. As a chess player and vaper, this is a phenomenal novelty item. For the small audience of collector types this would appeal to, $1500 is an appropriate price. I could never afford it, but a cool item none the less.

  2. Great video Mike, u should definitely keep it. That be a awesome coffee table peice. Had no idea you had such a beautiful wife, one lucky man right here!

  3. Am I missing something here? I dont get it, what's the point? Are the pieces atomizers or just atomizer looking. I must be missing something big here, because that's just complete garbage and a waste of money if it's just a chess board with atomizer looking game pieces. I'm totally confused!?! Why? Just why??

  4. Mike I'm kinda jealous brother. I really want a G.R.1 rda and the new Nixon from them as well after watching your reviews. This was a fun and different styled video from what were used to, and it was enjoyed. Thanks again Mike for everything you do whether its reviewing, designing vape products, or educating and advocating for the vape community

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