Mike Vapes

21700 Battery Wrap Install Tutorial

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  1. I dropped my battery’s on rocks this afternoon and ripped the wrap. What are the odds you drop a video showing how to wrap the same day lol 😂 thank you. Your the man. Keep up the great work.

  2. I use a lighter to wrap my batteries. I wouldn't recommend it but because its a bit hotter than a hairdryer, it hugs the battery tighter in the end and is a bit faster as well.😊good video for beginners, Mike. Will share this for my friends who think it's hard to wrap bats.

  3. Should start from the middle at the bends, smoothening them out and pressing the air out. Sealing both sides firstly restricts the air from escaping and causes more likelyhood of wrinkles and as you displayed, the top and bottom wont be tight and eill beed to be reheated again.
    Start at the bends in the middle, conpress the battery into place. Next step is rotate and compress the middle fully. Then lastly: seal the ends for uniform tightness.

  4. Hair dryer worked fine for my first few rewraps, but it didn't take long until I picked up a decent yet pretty inexpensive heat gun at a hardware store. I have a stockpile of wraps and insulators to go with my stockpile of batteries, lol. If you're going to use multiple devices that take replaceable batteries, and have extra batteries to swap out while others are charging (on a dedicated charger, please), learning to replace the the wraps and insulators of your cells, and having the equipment to do so quickly and easily is imperative. I think this is even more important if you use mechanical devices, especially hybrid connection mechs. For us hobbyists, users of mechs and rebuilders, of course knowing Ohm's Law and its applications as we use them as vapers, and knowing how to build within the safe limits of our batteries (also using the right batteries for a device and the build we want to use) is important, but the simplest and easiest thing you can do as a vaper (that uses replaceable batteries in whatever kind of device you use) to keep yourself safe, is taking care of the batteries themselves, charging them correctly and making sure the wraps are in good condition. Love to see videos like this pop up from time to time. Great job, Mike.

  5. Very nice tutorial 👍. I like it that you made sure to remind not to use metal to take off the wrap. Also I'd like to add, the whole side of the battery is the negative pole, so make sure you don't bridge that to the positive end (hence the non metal tools to work on it).

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