Mike Vapes

Rev-Tech Phantom 220w Kit Review – Mike Vapes

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  1. Thanks mikey another great review! Awesome that u caught it was over powered ..that shows how much u actually test a device wen u review it by Throwing on different tanks and builds such as ur engine v2!

  2. Right, so I've had a good day to mess about with the phantom, and I've gotta say that I don't see the overpowered thing you have mentioned so many times in your video. I have compared it to the rev sport mod, and a Modefined Sirius, with the Drift 2 tank, Valyrian tank, falcon mini and a drop RDA. All tanks on all the mods at the same voltage vape the same, with the exception of the Phantom, which just feels like it's putting out the power from the instant the button is pushed, where the other mods need half a second to get the coils up to their optimum vaping temp. There is no purge required with the Phantom, it's right there as soon as you fire, however I strongly disagree that it's overpowered. I guess we will have to wait and see what Daniel says when he tests it and posts the power output charts. I've got 5 bucks on you eating your words ?

  3. Wow really nice kit! REV-Tech has Multi-mesh now and it's tfv8 big baby compatible! I thought the coils looked very similar to Vaporesso GT core, the shape and wicking slots anyways.. Mike said "it vibrates", but wait it's Ribbed for her pleasure too!! LOL… Cool it that has the pin lock to be child resistant! Don't forget it or u'll be having nic fit haha!
    It has a awesome screen thats large &in charge! A Very vivid colored display indeed. The paint finish is gorgeous, really liking the blue! Super fast firing speed & centered 510 that can fit up to 30mm, wat more is there to want? lol…
    Excellent review & info Mike, now don't be rubbin those vibrating knobs on urself!

  4. Idk about the tank, but looks like a good mod. Was wondering if u put it in soft mode does it seem to be more accurate with the wattage or is it still overpowered?

  5. Mike some of you reviewer's do a good job your one of them that dose the good job can you pass this on the the rest of the one's that don't ie indoor smoking what a wanker

  6. Hey mike I just want to start off by saying thank you I smoked cigarettes for over 10 years thanks to you I have been cigarette free for 1 month and 6 days thank you your videos are very helpful anytime I wanna try a new product I watch you video on the product first once again THANK YOU.

  7. I want this mod, but can’t find it on any sites.
    I’ve checked eightvape, elementvape, dnavape…. can’t find it anywhere… even did a broad google search and the only links I can find link me to an older mod.

  8. Hey, i have a big problem. I can't find any website where i can buy coils for this vape. I've ordered this rev 220w phantom kit from fasttech.com, but this site don't sell coils for this vape. Does somebody know where can i buy coils for rev phantom 220w kit?

  9. I’ve looked all over and can’t find the Phantom anywhere, it’s irritating. I’ve seen 6-8 reviews on it, but as for the mod itself, it’s essentially nonexistent.
    ElementVape has a listing on it, but everything says out of stock, for both the kit and just the mod. I wanna get my hands on the red/black.

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