Mike Vapes

#AreWeLive? Vane Tank, New Stuff, – Mike Vapes

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  1. From one N.Y.'r to a nother, you rock. I love watching your video's, they're so informative. Your thoughts & input are so helpful in my purchases. Keep up the great work.??

  2. My Step-dad was from the south, his mother used to make Banana "puddin". It had vanilla wafers with real bananas sliced in it with vanilla pudding. She made it from scratch with real cooked pudding. You would cut your left arm off for it. I'm ordering some adore BB so i hope it takes me back.

  3. its really sad and pathetic when people beg for free shit,,and they always give the sob stories,,and its also pathetic when people get butthurt if they dont win the giveaways…thx Mike!

  4. Missed the live show, but I like you keeping it real Mikey. I think you need a new best friend with all that vape gear bro ! lol You can keep the Shenaray though, dont think I'll be needing that one anytime soon 🙂 . Keep up the great work.

  5. Mike, question about the adore eliquid. Since a lot of people seem to like them I wanted to get some, but what kind of nic do they use? I usually vape 1.5 but when I got yours with 3mg, it was SO smooth! Do they use the same kind of nic as you do? Or is it comparable to yours?

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