Mike Vapes

Artery Cold Steel AK-47 AIO

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  1. This is totally disgusting and missleading marketing…. an aio kit is not a weapon… how can they represent "vaping safes life" with a weapon that kills people worldwide?!?! absolutely disgusting. I'm done with Artery…how dare you mike, showing this? is this what you stand for? its your channel, your responsibilty.

  2. Plenty of choices with this one??
    Disappointing that the battery doesn’t have more mah’s
    Nautilus coils if you want and airflow control.
    The Limited Edition box is interesting, have to give credit to them for creativity.
    Charge port on the bottom burns my butt.
    Well done Mike thank you

  3. Tx Mike. I'm with you on the button lock situation. Don't know why they would do that. Doesn't Voopoo do that on their Drag mods, or am I thinking of something else?

  4. This is the thing that's wrong with vaping for me personally.. why name it after a gun and make the packaging look like a gun kit .. we supposed to promote none smoking … I'll pass for this one doesn't interest me

  5. I believe having it fully locked makes sense so your sitting repeatedly turned it on, and off just hold the up and down button and its locked. Its Easier and convenient then shutting down the whole device and have to wait for it to power on.

  6. Hey Mike, I can see the newbie getting totally confused by all the coils/pods that come with these new systems. If guys like us get mixed up with what coils go with which pod, then the new guy is going to be totally confused with all the options we have with these. And yes we should have the option to only lock the power buttons and not the mod (which is a stupid idea if you ask me), but that's China for ya. Later bro

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