Mike Vapes

EHPRO Kelpie RDA By Vaping With Vic

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  1. Be careful mikey!!! Youtube is striking all the reviewers and giving no real reason and no way to fix anything. No help. Vic, derek and fagan are all down n out for the count rn. Theres something going on down as im sure u know. Dont make it easy for them dude! Some real bullshit happening and i stand in solidarity with u and all the rest of the reviewers (except "jai haze")
    Good luck mike ( and $teve ?) ??

  2. Thanks Mike, well done. I personally just don't enjoy single coils as much as duals. I've had dozens of single coil
    drippers/rtas and they just don't "do it" for me. I've had the narda, I've got the barrage,, the entheon, citadel, flav, ghoul, and about 2 dozen other single coil drippers. I feel like I don't get as much flavor in a single as I get in a dual. I "wasted" about 750$ on singles trying to get that "perfect" vape out of em and can't find it… so my single coil journey has ended…. Anyway again thanks for putting out your videos. Stay well, be safe and have a great 2020 my friend.

  3. Damn mike, I just watched your first videos and wholly shit from then to now bro. You were right though, you did get better at these reviews man. Your my favorite go to reviewer. Keep up the great work man

  4. Hey mike I am confused which do you think would be a great buy rpm40 or vinci or aegis boost or ifetch pro?

    PS Im not a fan of pod mod with external battery but Ifetch pro got me and I dont even know why

  5. @mikevapes Vic said that bottom hole is so if you over squonk or drip, you only have one small pinhole leak rather than the eliquid pouring out of the airflow. Just wanted to let you and everyone know

  6. This is GENIUS for Vapers that are effected by the TPD!!
    If you don't know why .. think about it.. if you still don't know why.. don't worry about it…. just buy one..

    and MORE Drip..
    It probably takes longer to get those Juice Wells full than it does to fill a 2ml tank…… eh? eh? get it?
    Doesn't even leak either!?!

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