Mike Vapes

Athena Squonk Kit By Geek Vape – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. hey Mike Vapes I'm used to regulated devices and I was wondering what's the lowest ohms you can go on mechs without blowing ur hand off I'm assuming 0.10 ohm

  2. Bought this kit for $30 today from eightvape.com I've bought from them before and never had a problem with great shipping time. Only bummer is, at the time of posting this, the only colors available are black and silver. I wanted black anyway though.

  3. Just picked one up. Your tips have been invaluable. Made the whole process of stepping into the squonking world. Gained some RDA building tips too. Thanks for the great videos, keep it up!

  4. thanks for review , i got one of these , that's my first squonk , can't really fault it , nice kit , especially for the price , i got it on sale for £22!

  5. I got my silver Athena squonk. It is a great RDA. I do wish it was dual battery. I prefer the harder bottle myself. The coil length that works great is 3/8" which is about 10mm. My first RDA was the smok skyhook so this is a great Improvement. Nice review.

  6. Local shop had these on steep discount so I gave it a shot. Never done an RDA before. It works just fine. Only real quibble is the labeling for the pos/neg terminals, hard to see in low light. I printed off a couple extra black-on-white labels and stuck them in there. This being a mechanical with no reverse polarity protection it's extremely important to have those labels as visible as possible.

  7. Do you know anyone who does have the black Athena with the white worded “Athena”. I would like to buy it if they are looking to sell it. (If it’s in good shape that is)

  8. Do you know anyone who does have the black Athena with the white worded “Athena”. I would like to buy it if they are looking to sell it. (If it’s in good shape that is)

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