Zophie Vapes

Atty-Clean Review & Tutorial / A non-toxic way to clean your atomizers

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  1. ah yes i was waiting for someone to drop an "atty ccleaner" lmao

    just like the weed world with their 420 cleaners and etc.

    ultrasonic cleaner is THE BEST way to clean. and you only have to buy it once.

  2. I use distilled white vinegar and hot water. I leg them soak while sipping on some Kettle One out of my deep freezer. during the winter, it's Makers Mark on the rocks.

  3. Nice review, I've been looking for a good atty cleaner.. but I don't want the atty to vape like a lemon flavor when it's finished..  guess a lot of rinsing in plain water could cure that.

  4. Guys no alcohol, no fancy overpriced products. Just use white vinegar with a little salt mixed in and soak in that. Best cleaner you can get and it's like 10 bucks for a gallon of it at any store.

  5. Wow this is really cool… Do you think I could use that to clean dirty plates and saucers and maybe even knives and forks, too? This could finally be a non-toxic replacement for all the very toxic sorts of dish soap! Great invention Heidi!!! And 60 ml for only 12.99 + shipping… How did that saying go again? Every day another idiot wakes up. Let's hope they all find their way into your shop…

  6. awesome channel!
    can you please make a video explaining and demonstrating how to do a proper ti TC build? I'm new to building and so far have only done kanthal builds using power mode. The switch to tc is kind of intimidating. I'd really like to know what are the considerations when doing tc build.
    thanks a lot. and keep up the great work.

  7. I'll stick to more traditional methods as they always work, but nevertheless thanks for the video. I'm sure someone out there will prefer this compared to using vodka, white vinegar or plain and simple water.

    On the other hand, some comments here keep getting even more toxic..

  8. I had an Aromamizer that tasted like shit. I could not get the taste out to save my life. I used dish soap, vodka, and alcohol and it would not come out to save my life. I used this stuff and it was totally gone. It did smell like lemon, but it did not bleed into the flavor of the juice. It even cut through Halo's SubZero with one use. Its a great product.

  9. All this is, is homemade, lye free, castle soap. Dr. Bronner makes amazing natural castile soap that's way cheaper and better than this and they do have unscented options if you don't like the lemon scent. Same exact instructions, just a bigger bottle and cheaper price.

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