Dash Vapes

BIG NEWS for Vaping in Canada

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  1. Canadian here, always thought I liked the Liberal party better, but after all the shit they're trying to do, I'm proud to say it: Fuckin liberals

  2. Might be able to sell 5ml sample bottles at super low cost. This way people can take them home and actually taste it out of their own tanks/rda/rta/rdta… There can be some good out of this. ☺️ Or pair their flavours with a beer or food…

  3. i mean who should i vote for then? because i highly doubt that whoever i vote for will change the no vaping in stores. yet you can buy weed in store fuck smoke free ontario its not even smoke

  4. No matter what candidate you vote for they will always screw you one way just in a different way than if you voted for the next guy which is why I choose not to vote but this, I will vote for.

  5. Loving my new Tarot Nano….Been vaping for 2 weeks now and successfully stopped smoking tobacco… Love this Dash Vape channel… Funny and informative…Down Under Gold Coast Queensland 🙂

  6. If you guys live in ottawa my friends buisiness makes sampling irrelevant. you can buy 30 ml bottles and if you dont like the flavour after a bit (like one or two tanks) you can exchange it free. Its on bank street.

  7. I hate how liberals and democrats always try to put regulations on everything we do . Like JUST STAY OUT OF MY LIFE. And that’s why I vote conservative .

  8. while not as bad as smoking, you are still breathing in chemicals and toxins that can still harm your lungs. Also, with vaping being so new, there are not enough studies done yet to show the true short-term and long-term consequences of vaping on an individuals health. We do know that nicotine has been linked to cancer regardless of the method of use (chewing, smoking and snuff) so it is fair to assume that long term use of vaping nicotine products will still increase your risk of cancer. If you are trying to quit smoking I think it's a good idea to try talking to your doctor or your local pharmacist to get some advice on what might be best for you.

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