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BIG TOBACCO BUYS JUUL?! – What this means.

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  1. Probably buying it out just to destroy it? Either that or they will, like others have said, put straight up poison in JUUL's to make it more addictive.

    This is indeed a deal with the Devil. Cigs contribute to killing around 5 MILLION people every year, and now we are supposed to believe they have our best interest at heart?. Nah Brah.

  2. I think that it’s great honestly the only real problem is the ever growing market of kid Vapers and jull is the leading seller to kids this is obviously better than them smoking cigarettes many kids though find themselves with vapes without ever thinking twice about smoking a cigarette so if it attracting kids at the end of the day that’s what we should be concerned about that’s what we should be trying to stop.

  3. People talk about big tobacco are inherently evil. They are not ok. They are buisness men, in the buisness of profits, why would them taking part in any buisness be a liability to a company. If anything Altria will try to help the industry grow, as they have put so much money into juul they would want to see a profit on investment. Anyone who are consistant in wanting people to quit smoking should be behind big tobacco leaving cigs behind, and support those who are investing in snus and e-cigs.

  4. It was inevitable and why not invest in the biggest and most well known company. Sounds to me though that they bought off their employees to go along for the ride.

  5. its a good thing, this will potentially save vaping from the other tobacco comapnies lobbying agaisnt it. they now have a vested interest in keeping flavors around as well as keeping less regulation on vaping. studies might become more lopsided, but overall as an end user this will be a good thing in saving vaping as it is right now. long term i expect other manufacturers to start to lose market share and we''ll start to see more deals like this in a race to stay relevant with more funding. like, maybe someone will by vandy vape for example, or some company that makes juices and makes mods, rda's etc…

  6. They are very smart. I’ve studied business in college, and I know that at some point you have to change your product with the market change you just have to keep on evolving and not stay the same as before then the newer company will crush you down. Just like what happened to Nokia, and Blackberry they didn’t keep up to the new technology and look what happened to them? Big tobacco is very smart for investing in JUUL they know that the future is these vaping devices and no one would like to smoke the normal cigarettes it’s all about the new generations and keeping up with them. FDA are fighting vaping just because the other tobacco companies don’t like it but eventually they will lose and Big tobacco will be one of the first companies that took their chance and invested in a successful thing that even when other tobacco companies lose they will still gain through selling to vapers. Smart move.

  7. Vapers: Big Tobacco should stop making tobacco and start making vapes if they want to stay relevant!!!
    Big Tobacco: buys stock in vape products

  8. all i have to say on the matter is, i HATE those anti-vaping "truth" commercials with the puppets. they dont even say anything substantial… one puppet tries to say vaping is safer than smoking and gets drowned out by a literal airhorn. that's it. no intelligent rebuttal…. just…. airhorn. because they know they don't have a comeback that isn't complete BS.

    i'm not even a smoker, and never have been – but the controversy surrounding vaping still effects those of us who still use vape devices for things other than nicotine.

  9. A Philip Morris rep came into our vape shop yesterday, handed me a card and said "by 2020 we won't be selling tobacco, only Ecig products and we're just letting all vape shops know" I thought A> Bullshit, B> What makes you think we'd ever buy from you dickhead.

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