Dash Vapes

California needs YOUR help.

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  1. Californian, born n raised here- thank you guys for posting this from Canada! Worldwide videos like this are completely necessary to get the community riled up & ready to help. I'm not sure why they're doing this on top of the federal PMTAs in September, kinda seems redundant? Or maybe this is some way to enforce the PMTAs? But what the f ever, let's make our voices heard please help! I've been calling & emailing driving everyone crazy but they're hearing me! We can still try! Australia pushed back their ban with tons of public outcry! Better to try & potentially win than it is to not try at all & definitely lose.

  2. I like how your advocating the american news, but it would be nice if we could get ALL the Canadian updates. You haven't done a video on the newest Canadian regulations, that were past about a week ago tightening the regulations on advertising.

  3. Hahaah those useless Cali politicians don't give a damn about anyone's health, or they would want border security because the cartels are pouring drugs into the state and have control over it. There is a lot of suspicion that the cartels have given large donations to the campaigns for Nancy Pelosi over the years, along with other demoncRat politicians?.
    If they did care, they would totally support vaping because it is most definitely one of the safest nic delivery method that there is and need to put away these criminal politicians

  4. Gahhh, fucking California.. I feel for all you guys over there! We're facing horrible stuff here in FL as well. Let's help out our fellow Californians!

  5. Quick question, I'm not from the US, I'm from Germany but want to support the movement nontheless. Is there another option, apart from the link in the infobox?
    I can't fill the required form, as I don't have an address in the US.

  6. Why can't the world do what the UK has done? The UK has set limits on nicotine content and tank sizes. And surprise, surprise, the UK vaping community is perfectly satisfied by these regulations. Like come on world, just look at the science done by the UK. The world follows most of the medical advice from the UK anyway so why not vaping?

  7. its stuipid i hate the fract i have to get my cbd e juice online becasue Washington banned it in vape stores. I hope this goes well for california and it donesnt happen

  8. I live in Nazichusetts, where we had a total sales ban for a few months last year which killed most of our Vape Shops, including one within walking distance of my house. That ban has been lifted, but we now have a flavor ban and a 75% tax on all vapor products including batteries, tanks, mods, etc. There is also a ban on menthol cigarettes, which I'm surprised they went with, but cigarettes were not included in the 75% tax for $ome $trange rea$on. I'm $$$$$$$ure it wa$$$$$$ for the children.

  9. This one is already passed I'm afraid………. That's the way this state works. The committees and hearings are only for show. Sad day for Californians for sure. I saw this coming a mile away though as most cities have already implemented flavor bans here. So unless your vape shop is actually located in an unincorporated area you couldn't sell flavors anyway for months now. most of the shops in my area have already either closed down or gone to THC/CBD type products. I've literally seen three guys that I work with go back to smoking cigarettes because of this. They just can't get their coils and juice and when it becomes a hassle they just give up.

  10. I dont even think its about taxes. In Europe, at least Portugal, we have to buy the e-liquid and nicotine have to be sold separatly. Imagine a 60 ml bottle, here it comes with 50 ml of liquid so you can add the nicotine. Each NicShot is basically a bottle of 10 ml of PG with 18 mg/ml of nicotine. So, every bottle comes prepared for you To have your liquid at 3 mg/mL. If you want more you have to transfer the liquid and nicotine to a larger container. Each of this nicotine things cost 5€, which is the same as a pack of cigarrettes here. This price is Solely due to taxes because the vape stores buy them like at a few cents and profit like 50 cents. I vape at 9 mg/mL so when i buy a 120 mL bottle for 15€ i actually need to pay 45€ because of the nicotine. If the US government problem is taxes they can adopt this idea. I fckin hate it but it’s better than a flavor ban or even worse.

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