Dash Vapes

Calling out Matthew Santoro.

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  1. It was as far back as the 1940s that PG was found to be 100% effective against all known bacteria (at concentrations of as little as a single part per million), and follow up testing established it as completely effective against the influenza virus strain resposble for the worlds worst ever pandemic – the post WW1 outbreak, which killled many more than WW1 itself. Those studies were carried out in Chicago.
    Metals (and other contaminants) in vapour? Same BS again – not only were the levels found to be "trace" (meaning too small to quantify), they were at levels below ambient, and between hundredths and milllionths of those found in cigarette smoke (without which comparison any study is flawed). And they had to force it through a machine to get to even that level – not even the most hardened smoker would continue to draw on such an obviously burned out device.
    As for the BS about inhalation safety of flavourings a food flavouring manufacturer donated a huge sum to the University of Milan to conduct exactly those studies INDEPENDENTLY, and any substances used in any flavourings found to cause any measurable risk were pulled off the market.

    This was just on the rumour that many of their products were beng used in vaping e-liquid, and well before there was any requirement for them to do so, or any attempt to market them to the vape flavouring companies.
    Second-hand vapour? Studies have shown repeatedly that the air quality inside a fogged out vape shop is actually higher than that in the street outside the door.
    You have to wonder, given how much time and money is being spent trying to find any REAL risks, just why they just keep regurgitating the same old long-discredited (and in some cases, withdrawn) studies, that can be shown by anyone who has even the briefest aquaintance with scientific methods to be at best flawed, or at worst, dishonest.
    Exploding batteries have a higher prevalence in Boeing aircraft, cellphones, tablets, and laptops from companies like Apple, Samsung, LG, and others, so presumably Santoro just hasn't been paid by anyone to point out those dangers yet. As for the formaldehide and metal contamination studies, presumably those were carried out by people who would continue to drive on flat tyres and an engine fire so severe that flames were licking around the fuel tank of the vehicle.
    Canada "health" you should be ashamed of wasting lives resources nd money by paying for this advertisemet.
    Maybe you are reallly run by the pharmaceutical companies who stand to llose the huge profits made from treating preventable smoking related disease (which could also be why the pharma industry's "efforts" at smoking cessation products have such a poor success rate. After all, anything as successful as vaping has been shown to be would risk other much more lucrative areas of income.
    There is a special place in hell (or whatever afterlife you may or may not believe in) for people who put profit before lives, especially when they falsify and misrepresent facts to their own ends. Some are just idiotic regurgitators of what they are told, but those who do know the truth but instead publicise lies are booking their places right now.
    I believe Santoro is one of those useful idiots, but unleess he puts out a retrraction he is joning his paymasters in their crime. Google, through Youtube, have already shown their true colours in their financial attacks on those who try to help others escape smoking thrugh vaping.
    Certainly, nobody can qualify as a doctor of medicine when doing such harm. "First, Do No Harm" has been a fundamental principle of medicine for millennia. More doctors have been struck off the medical register, or it's equivalent in other countries, than for any other single cause than breaching such a fundamental principle.

  2. I can agree with everything in this video besides your second rebuttal to Matthews second "fact". At 2:30 you state that nicotine is "no more harmful than caffeine". While they are both stimulants, which raises the heart rate and increases the speed of sensory information processing, easing tension and sharpening the mind. While they both increase heart rate nicotine typically increased the BPM by 15-20. While caffeine has shown that it typically increased the BPM by 10. I'm not saying that nicotine is much more harmful than caffeine but it is definitely slightly more harmful than caffeine not to mention nicotine is technically a poison.

    Nicotine is slightly more harmful than caffeine, because it increases heart rate at a higher level than caffeine, and nicotine is a poison.

  3. 1. Yeah that's the point. Is not for hobby is for smokers.
    2. It's illegal to sell for teens they shouldn't smoke it to begin with. Point is mute
    3. And what about stuff in cigarettes?
    4. Go to quality liquids, not a cheap fake ones. Know your juice

  4. I'm a fan of him but I was fucking triggered. When he uploaded that, I avoided to comment to the vid because I KNOW that some people will not understand what I'm going to say

  5. The guy himself looks like hes going on crack, those steary eyes……and u can see the dollar signs(US) in his eyes!…..plus what does he know about vaping……I get so angry, dont wanna diss anyone…but this guy!…..total byoff assh$%&….Im sry! I get emotional!

  6. Meh. Either way it's a shit habit. I dont need a bald guy to tell me how to live.
    lights cigarette

    Gl with sales though! (Not being sardonic.)

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