Dash Vapes

Can vaping cause seizures?

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  1. I’m epileptic and have been since I was 12 and since I started vaping last year I’ve felt no correlation between my petit mal or grand mals and vaping if anything it helps me stay calm and keep my auras down

  2. So I know dash vapes doesnt condone underage vaping however would you rather live in a world where no kid underage ever got ahold of a vape aka kids were still smoking ciggerretes or the many kids who never smoked a ciggerrete got ahold of vapes? This is an actual question I dont mean to sound rude or start a comment war

  3. I have epilepsy and no it doesn’t especially if it’s low Nic like 3-9 maybe if they don’t take there meds and they are downing tank after tank or 50 sat nic but you better expect a seizure if your drinking coffee, alcohol, and nicotine and NOT taking your meds

  4. As a kid i had diabetic seizures due to low blood sugars. The seizures due to diabetes stopped when i was about 19 years old. I am currently 37 and about a year ago my seizures started up again but this time there were no low blood sugars. I've been vaping off and on for about 5 years with constant use over the past two years. I just recently had my 6th seizure and had an MRI and EEG done and the doctors found no structural anomalies or odd brain wave patterns also no odd areas of the brain firing during these tests. Because of this I've been diagnosed with generalized seizure disorder. I told my doctor I vape and he didn't even consider it a problem…. I have seizures in my history and he even believes this is due to the effects of the diabetic seizures. In other words this is a natural devolvement of my past seizure experiences. On February 14th of this year i suffered my worst seizure yet where i blacked out at work and fell out from it. I was standing on level ground and somehow on the way down i managed to hit something that shattered my left femur. I can't walk at the moment but you know what? After all of this I still continue to vape. My story may not be like these other 35 people's stories but i bet they're a least somewhat similar. Before the FDA goes completely 1920s and goes all Reefer Madness on us they should stop to actually produce unbiased research to look at how vaping affects us, if they won't listen to the Royal College of Physicians…

  5. some fukn kid put 50% nic salt juice in his sub ohm tank and let some other kid hit it and all of a sudden the kid who asked to hit it started spazzing out don't know why or how, it was probably because


  6. Hey guys, I've been a viewer here for awhile. Came across this video a while ago but thought about sharing it here with you all. I started out smoking when I started college did it for about a year or so then went to dip for about 6 months then switched to vaping inprobably 2016 and have been doing ever since. Anyways here is the link to the video

  7. I have chronic Epilepsy and started using a box mod e-cig around 3 months ago, I have not had a full seizure since my start of vaping but it is possible because I do not put nicotine in my e-liquid as my doctors do tell me it can cause me bad headaches in tandem with my medication. So with my little but recent experience, even if you do vape and use nicotine just don't use extensive amounts in your e-liquid or any at all like I do. Hope this helps any of you out there.

  8. Its bullshit. If it was true i would have had a siezure by now. And i have a prior history of a siezure happening. Ive been vaping for almost 2 years. Trust me people if this was true i would have had another one by now.

  9. There is a known link between nicotine and marijuana where if you mix the two, you can black out and have seizures. However that chance is so miniscule, that you would have to be pre-disposed to those conditions as well as use a lot of (not high quality) nicotine and marijuana. I vape and dab weed concentrates daily, and I've only had 1 time I fainted and shook violently, but I wouldn't consider it a seizure. So yea its still fuck the FDA. Great video!

  10. What I notice about YouTubers who make vape videos is that they are hyperactive and their eyes are wide open.
    The same also applied to the seller of my Aspire Zelos in the vapeshop.

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