Mike Vapes

Cheetah Rda By OBS – Mike Vapes

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  1. I use it since yesterday and I like it.
    the man in the shop where I bought it said that I can use it on a hybrid mech mod so I do. it works great.
    sorry my English isn't so good.

  2. Hi there Mikey!
    which one would YOU prefer? the Cheetah or the Derrenger Clone you reviewed some time ago?
    i would use it as a "liquid-tester" or at home, so i'd stick to my tank-atomizers on the go, but for liquid-testing what you'd recommend?

    nice vid, as always 😉

  3. Mike please tell me how do you wick your coils so your vapes never pop and spit? At least not from what I can hear.

    Is the trick having lots of surface area and lots of wick and hover wattage?

  4. Hei Mike, It's surprising me when you say that youu have no cons for RDA Cheetah.
    But for sure, is there really no cons for the RDA? well, actually I don't buy or use cheetah yet [ because sometimes I use some RDA which you have already reviewed from your channel, hahaha].
    Could you please tell me, is it easy to move the drip tip and put the 510 adapter?

    I'm gonna wait for your reply, brotha. Thank you.

  5. You realise don't have to say "obs" "cheetah" and "RDA" 60 times in one video. Good lord. And the way you say cheetah by obs is annoying as shit. Informative video tho so can't say anything bout that.

  6. here's a con. It's another damn velocity deck. I can't be the only person who is sick and damn tired of velocity decks. sooo many things I'd buy but will not because of the deck.

  7. Hey Mike, notice that there's a side airflow there! That definely improves the favor your getting! Awesome product, just orderd my from GB and 12 dollars? They are giving away… kkkkk

  8. Got this RDA for like 12 bucks, minus the air flow being kinda loud if you have it 2/3rds closed off or halfway closed it's pretty damn good. I love the notches and not having to mess with lining up the air flow, I can just throw it on blindly and spin it while pushing it down into place.

  9. This is my favorite dripper to date. I am awaiting my Dead Rabbit, it's in the mail, to see if she can dethrone this little beast.

    I have the OBS Engine too, which is a great 'top airflow' RTA. OBS makes some good shit!

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