Dash Vapes

Closing up shops… This is ridiculous.

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  1. Ok Dave and fans….let us be real. Some people will loose their jobs, unfortunately when these folks reach out for new employment and their previous employer was a vape shop….they may have a tough time. But more to the point, as vapors, let;s refrain from saying 'life saving', because it is not life saving. It IS life IMPROVING, but saving is a bit out there considering everyone dies eventually. Sooner or later….cigs or vapes, we're gonna croke. Ok, that out of the way, many see through the smoke screen the politicians are blowing – but it is the soccer mom's and those that are responsible and accountable to keep kids healthy that will grab and cut any low hanging fruit. Nowhere do I read or hear how these 'children' are obtaining their deadly vapes. Why? Where is that intel? Focus America….FOCUS!

  2. They can go way harder to enforce the sale of flavored juices to teenagers. Let the adults enjoy it please . I don't know what I would do without my blue slushie ??

  3. So glad your staying on top of this. I went to stock up on ejuices today before the ban hits in San Bernadino California. 11 years of vaping and only now issues….COUNTERFEIT BLACK MARKET…..I quit CIGGS after 42 years with vaping!! Buy from trusted sources and be of LEGAL AGE.

  4. My friend has a theory, which I realize isn’t uncommon, that this whole thing is being done by big tobacco companies to push vaping out and get smoking back to being the norm, and honestly it makes a lot of sense

  5. Think about it this way. Cigarettes usually kill people at a slower rate so when people get older and have been smoking for 15+ years the chances of dying due to cigarettes is higher. When you're older the government doesnt care about you anymore they care about the money and old, sick, dying people wont produce as much money as the younger generation to come. Therefore they see people, or kids, dying from "possibly vape related" illnesses. They aren't going to take the time to do research if it means they can get the healthier alternative out the door. Kids will turn to cigarettes but they wont feel the effect till later on in life…. when they are useless to the government . It's sad and I hope the bans end and someone comes forth with some knowledge.

  6. This is definitely going to make things worse. It's already happening and I bet there will be other problems we/ they haven't even thought of. Thanks for the great update.

  7. They are coming for us Dave, probably not a damn thing we can do about it. I read the document from the world health organization six years ago where they said they were going to demonize vaping within the next five years. I’ve been running my small shop for seven years. We are terrified that the stink from the USA ?? is gonna bow up here to Canada ??

  8. Zero sympathy for shops going out of business that are charging 100-500% markup for products that are available online for a fraction of the cost. Every shop I've been in has gouging prices. I give no fucks about your overhead. If you cant compete you go out of business, it's that simple.

  9. It is very easy to tell in the United States when politicians and government agencies are lying about something, they will eventually tell you they are doing it out of concern for the children. Wake up parents the government doesn't give a shit about the children. The CDC knew from the very first case what was making people sick & in some cases killing them, black market THC carts, and they deliberately withheld that information. They didn't do over concern about public health or for the children, they have launched this war of lies & half truths against vaping for the same reasons the FDA did because vaping is or was quickly replacing the most over taxed item in the history of the United States cigarettes and because their corporate masters at big pharma don't like it. The States are doing it because they are going to default on the bonds they sold based on what they estimate they were going to get from MSA payments. So, vapers please do everything in your power to avoid going back to cigarettes. But if you unfortunately do find a way to get them so that the states get no tax benefit from them. Do everything in your power to make Michigan, New York, or any other state that bans vaping or takes away flavors to default on their bonds.

  10. “But think of the children, we always must think of the children!” Nah…I’m good. If they’re dumb enough to find a way to Juul themselves to death or use back alley THC products, what happens to them is just natural selection at that point. Oh but wait guys, let’s lower the voting age to 16 so these same kids can help us figure out who should run our nation!

  11. The politicians don't care. This doesn't benfit them in anyway. Doesn't get them any votes or a chip in their pocket so why not discredit the vape industry. At this point any politician whom supports the Vaping industry is coming political suicide. We're not gonna get help from them. Its up to us to keep to keep our voice strong like @DashVapes! There's such a dark cloud over vaping now and the storm has just begun, the huricaine is on its way. I've been a smoke since I was a teenager. Vaping has been the ONLY thing to get me to quit and I feel so much better. I was a smoker for 25 years! Since vaping I haven't touched a cigarette in 6 years!! I can't stand what I'm hearing in the news. Noooooo one has any HARD Evidence that vaping is causing any harm. Also hear about flavors targeting young children? Look at all the alcohol flavors?? Seriously? Are they targeting children? Sorry for the rant. It was needed. I enjoy your Channel. You really keep up with the news about the vape industry. I view your channel everyday for the latest news! Keep at it and thanks!

  12. I do like knowing what’s going on but it would be nice to have a break from these videos and do a video about funny stereotypes again…really miss those

  13. I feel like once flavors are banned, people will start buying black market ejuice. People are obviously going to get sick from that. But that's what the government wants… They want more illnesses so that they can point the finger at vaping and save their precious Big Tobacco… Its fucked up that the government is totally fine with more people getting sick and even potentially dying. Just back the fuck off and stop infringing on our rights…

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