Mike Vapes

Efusion Duo DNA 133/200 By Lost Vape – Mike Vapes

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  1. How are the Abalone panels? I'm guessing it's better quality material than the Light/Dark "wood" panels given the price difference.

    I love that you can swap between a 1300 mah in DNA200 mode and a dual 18650 Battery Sled in DNA133 mode. Swappable panels would have made it the ultimate customizable DNA device. Too bad that is not a feature, though I could probably stick to one design. It does make the previous versions of the efusion and the efusion mini somewhat obsolete, or at the very least much less versatile.

    The Wismec DNA and the VT133 were on my short list because I already have LiPo DNA mods so I was looking for one that used 18650's, but now that the Duo has hit the retail sites, I think I'll be getting that as my next DNA mod instead! Thanks as usual for your timely and quality reviews, you and the rest of the vape team are my go to information source for vape gear!

  2. well for one that's all well and good but why pay that much money for something you are not going to use me personally I would never use temperature control so why would anybody with common sense pay over $200 for a device with settings they're never going to use that doesn't make any sense frankly it's kind of the how do you say stupid to purchase something that you're not going to use when in fact there are tons of on temperature control devices on the market doesn't make sense

  3. I was looking on both VaporDNA and Wetvapes it looks like this device is only coming in that marble, I don't see the wood panels on it, only on the mini. Am I just going crazy? lol

  4. of course i get mine and its defective shows its fully charged with the lipo but when i go to hit it says weak battery? only got to use it one day some bs pay that much for what!

  5. Hi Mike great review as always. Do you know if the single option with just dual 18650 also come pre installed? And, you that have so many DNA 200, I will also PM you my address for an optional giveaway ha ha.I will of course pay for shipping to Norway. There are no vendors who carry them there. And do tho the TPD, I don't think they will either. #meabeggarnooo #just poor

  6. I got mine today.no extra screws no extra panels no lypo just the plastic box all smashed and scratched. mod doesn't seem to have any damage but the screen doesn't seem complelty flush to the case of the mod from what I se

  7. How does the two options holding up to each other when it comes to battery life? Which one has the longest battery life between each charging runing with similar specs?

  8. @Mike Vapes So straight outta' the box if I threw in some 18650's & "only" wanted to use 18650's, would I still need to jump onto e-scribe to change battery settings? I'm assuming e-scribe would only be necessary if you change over to the lipo.

  9. hey Mike this is my first DNA mod how do you go back to wattage? the temp control isn't doing it for me on 316l it's kinda finicky, not as good as my hohm wrecker on 316, the DNA isn't as consistent on 316, I can't figure out how to get back to wattage tho, driving me crazy

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